

Article Outline

Example Python program SyncUtils.py


  • import thread
  • import threading
  • import types


  • def synchronized_with_attr(lock_name):
  • def decorator(method):
  • def synced_method(self, args, *kws):
  • def syncronized_with(lock):
  • def synchronized_obj(obj):
  • def func(args, *kws):
  • def init(self, args, *kws):
  • def synchronized(item):


Python example

import thread
import threading
import types

def synchronized_with_attr(lock_name):

    def decorator(method):

        def synced_method(self, *args, **kws):
            lock = getattr(self, lock_name)
            with lock:
                return method(self, *args, **kws)

        return synced_method

    return decorator

def syncronized_with(lock):

    def synchronized_obj(obj):

        if type(obj) is types.FunctionType:

            obj.__lock__ = lock

            def func(*args, **kws):
                with lock:
                    obj(*args, **kws)
            return func

        elif type(obj) is types.ClassType:

            orig_init = obj.__init__
            def __init__(self, *args, **kws):
                self.__lock__ = lock
                orig_init(self, *args, **kws)
            obj.__init__ = __init__

            for key in obj.__dict__:
                val = obj.__dict__[key]
                if type(val) is types.FunctionType:
                    decorator = syncronized_with(lock)
                    obj.__dict__[key] = decorator(val)

            return obj

    return synchronized_obj

def synchronized(item):

    if type(item) is types.StringType:
        decorator = synchronized_with_attr(item)
        return decorator(item)

    if type(item) is thread.LockType:
        decorator = syncronized_with(item)
        return decorator(item)

        new_lock = threading.Lock()
        decorator = syncronized_with(new_lock)
        return decorator(item)