Article Outline
Example Python program Python version 3.x or newer. To check the Python version use:
python --version
- import sys
- import ipaddress
- import socket
- import fnmatch
- import traceback
- import itertools
- from datetime import datetime
- import functools
- from urllib.parse import urlparse
- from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject, QVariant, QMetaType, pyqtSlot
- from PyQt5.QtQml import QJSEngine, QJSValue
- from PyQt5.QtNetwork import QNetworkProxy
- class ParseProxyError(Exception):
- class EvalProxyError(Exception):
- class _PACContext(QObject):
- class PACResolver(object):
- def _js_slot(*args):
- def decorator(method):
- def new_method(self, args, *kwargs):
- def init(self, engine):
- def isPlainHostName(self, host):
- def dnsDomainIs(self, host, domain):
- def localHostOrDomainIs(self, host, hostdom):
- def isResolvable(self, host):
- def isInNet(self, host, pattern, mask):
- def dnsResolve(self, host):
- def myIpAddress(self):
- def dnsDomainLevels(self, host):
- def shExpMatch(self, str, shexp):
- def weekdayRange(self, args):
- def dateRange(self, args):
- def timeRange(self, args):
- def _parse_proxy_entry(proxy_str):
- def _parse_proxy_string(proxy_str):
- def init(self, pac_str):
- def resolve(self, url_str):
Example Python PyQt program :
import sys
import ipaddress
import socket
import fnmatch
import traceback
import itertools
from datetime import datetime
import functools
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject, QVariant, QMetaType, pyqtSlot
from PyQt5.QtQml import QJSEngine, QJSValue
from PyQt5.QtNetwork import QNetworkProxy
class ParseProxyError(Exception):
class EvalProxyError(Exception):
class _PACContext(QObject):
def _js_slot(*args):
def decorator(method):
def new_method(self, *args, **kwargs):
return method(self, *args, **kwargs)
e = sys.exc_info()[0]
return self._error_con.callAsConstructor([str(e)])
return pyqtSlot(*args, result=QJSValue)(new_method)
return decorator
def __init__(self, engine):
self._engine = engine
self._error_con = engine.globalObject().property("Error")
def isPlainHostName(self, host):
return '.' not in host
@_js_slot(str, str)
def dnsDomainIs(self, host, domain):
return host.endswith(domain)
@_js_slot(str, str)
def localHostOrDomainIs(self, host, hostdom):
(_, dot_host, _) = host.partition('.')
(unqual_hostdom, _, _) = hostdom.partition('.')
if dot_host == "":
return host == unqual_hostdom
return host == hostdom
def isResolvable(self, host):
return self.dnsResolve(host) != ""
@_js_slot(str, str, str)
def isInNet(self, host, pattern, mask):
host_ip = ipaddress.ip_address(host)
network = ipaddress.ip_network("{}/{}".format(pattern, mask))
return host_ip in network
def dnsResolve(self, host):
return socket.getaddrinfo(host, None)[0][4][0]
except socket.gaierror:
return ""
def myIpAddress(self):
return socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
def dnsDomainLevels(self, host):
return host.count('.')
@_js_slot(str, str)
def shExpMatch(self, str, shexp):
return fnmatch.fnmatchcase(str, shexp)
def weekdayRange(self, args):
args = args.toVariant()
wd1 = args[0]
wd2 = wd1
gmt = args[-1] == "GMT"
if gmt:
args = args[:-1]
if len(args) == 2:
wd2 = args[1]
elif len(args) != 1:
raise EvalProxyError("Invalid number of arguments")
weekdays = ["MON", "TUE", "WED", "THU", "FRI", "SAT", "SUN"]
curtime = datetime.utcnow() if gmt else
return weekdays.index(wd1) <= curtime.weekday() <= weekdays.index(wd2)
def dateRange(self, args):
args = args.toVariant()
order = ["day", "month", "year"]
args1 = {}
args2 = {}
gmt = args[-1] == "GMT"
if gmt:
args = args[:-1]
my_order = []
count = 0
for arg in args:
argtype = "year"
if type(arg) is str:
argtype = "month"
elif arg >= 1 and arg <= 31:
argtype = "day"
if argtype in args1:
if any(map(lambda x: x in args1, order[order.index(argtype) + 1:])):
raise EvalProxyError("Invalid arguments order")
args1[argtype] = arg
count += 1
if len(args) == 2 * count:
for e, i in zip(my_order, itertools.count(0)):
args2[e] = args[count + i]
elif len(args) == count:
args2 = args1
raise EvalProxyError("Invalid number of arguments")
if len(args1) == 0:
raise EvalProxyError("Nothing is passed to check the range")
months = ["JAN", "FEB", "MAR", "APR", "MAY", "JUN", "JUL", "AUG", "SEP", "OCT", "NOV", "DEC"];
curtime = datetime.utcnow() if gmt else
if "day" in args1 and not (args1["day"] <= <= args2["day"]):
return False
if "month" in args1 and not (months.index(args1["month"]) <= curtime.month - 1 <= months.index(args2["month"])):
return False
if "year" in args1 and not (args1["year"] <= curtime.year <= args2["year"]):
return False
return True
def timeRange(self, args):
args = args.toVariant()
args1 = {}
args2 = {}
gmt = args[-1] == "GMT"
if gmt:
args = args[:-1]
if len(args) == 1:
args1["hour"] = args[0]
args2["hour"] = args[0] + 1
order = ["hour", "min", "sec"]
if len(args) % 2 != 0 or len(args) > len(order) * 2:
raise EvalProxyError("Invalid number of arguments")
for e, i in zip(order[:len(args) / 2], itertools.count(0)):
args1[e] = args[i]
args2[e] = args[len(arguments) / 2 + i]
if len(args1) == 0:
raise EvalProxyError("Nothing is passed to check the range")
curtime = datetime.utcnow() if gmt else
if "hour" in args1 and not (args1["hour"] <= curtime.hour < args2["hour"]):
return False
if "min" in args1 and not (args1["min"] <= curtime.minute < args2["min"]):
return False
if "sec" in args1 and not (args1["sec"] <= curtime.second < args2["sec"]):
return False
return True
class PACResolver(object):
def _parse_proxy_entry(proxy_str):
config = list(filter(lambda s: s != "", proxy_str.split(' ')))
if len(config) == 0:
raise ParseProxyError("Empty proxy entry")
if config[0] == "DIRECT":
if len(config) != 1:
raise ParseProxyError("Invalid number of parameters for DIRECT")
return QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy.NoProxy)
elif config[0] == "PROXY":
if len(config) != 2:
raise ParseProxyError("Invalid number of parameters for PROXY")
host, _, port = config[1].partition(':')
return QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy.HttpProxy, host, int(port))
elif config[0] == "SOCKS":
if len(config) != 2:
raise ParseProxyError("Invalid number of parameters for SOCKS")
host, _, port = config[1].partition(':')
return QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy.Socks5Proxy, host, int(port))
raise ParseProxyError("Unknown proxy type: {}".format(config[0]))
except ValueError:
raise ParseProxyError("Invalid port number")
def _parse_proxy_string(proxy_str):
return map(PACResolver._parse_proxy_entry, proxy_str.split(';'))
def __init__(self, pac_str):
self._engine = QJSEngine()
self._ctx = _PACContext(self._engine)
self._engine.globalObject().setProperty("PAC", self._engine.newQObject(self._ctx))
proxy_config = self._engine.newObject()
proxy_config.setProperty("bindings", self._engine.newObject())
self._engine.globalObject().setProperty("ProxyConfig", proxy_config)
ctx_meta = self._ctx.metaObject()
for i in range(ctx_meta.methodCount()):
m = ctx_meta.method(i)
if m.typeName() == "QJSValue":
call_str = None
if m.parameterCount() == 1 and m.parameterType(0) == QMetaType.QVariant:
call_str = "PAC.{0}([]"
call_str = "PAC.{0}.apply(PAC, arguments)"
decl_str = '''
function {0}() {{
var res = ''' + call_str + ''';
if (res instanceof Error) {{
throw res;
}} else {{
return res;
self._engine.evaluate(pac_str, "pac")
self._resolver = self._engine.globalObject().property("FindProxyForURL");
if not self._resolver.isCallable():
raise EvalProxyError("Cannot resolve FindProxyForURL function, got '{}' instead".format(self._resolver.toString()))
def resolve(self, url_str):
url = urlparse(url_str)
domain, sep, port = url.netloc.rpartition(':')
if sep == "":
domain = port
result =[url_str, domain])
result_str = result.toString()
if not result.isString():
raise EvalProxyError("Got strange value from FindProxyForURL: {}".format(result_str))
return PACResolver._parse_proxy_string(result_str)
TEST_PAC = '''
function test(function_name, expect) {
var args =, 2);
var fun_call = function_name + "(" + args.join(", ") + ")";
console.log("Trying to test that " + fun_call + " === " + expect);
var res = eval(function_name).apply(null, args);
if(res !== expect) {
throw new Error("failed test: " + fun_call + ": '" + res + "' !== '" + expect + "'");
function proxyBindings() {
return JSON.stringify(ProxyConfig.bindings);
function FindProxyForURL(domain, host) {
test("isPlainHostName", true, "www");
test("isPlainHostName", false, "");
test("dnsDomainIs", true, "", "");
test("dnsDomainIs", false, "www", "");
test("dnsDomainIs", false, "", "");
test("localHostOrDomainIs", true, "", "");
test("localHostOrDomainIs", true, "www", "");
test("localHostOrDomainIs", false, "", "");
test("localHostOrDomainIs", false, "", "");
test("isResolvable", true, "");
test("isResolvable", false, "bogus.domain.foobar");
test("isInNet", true, "", "", "");
test("isInNet", false, "", "", "");
test("isInNet", true, "", "", "");
test("isInNet", false, "", "", "");
console.log("Resolved " + host + ": " + dnsResolve(host));
console.log("My IP: " + myIpAddress());
test("dnsDomainLevels", 0, "www");
test("dnsDomainLevels", 2, "");
test("shExpMatch", true, "", "*/ari/*");
test("shExpMatch", false, "", "*/ari/*");
//test("weekdayRange", true, "WED");
test("dateRange", true, "AUG", "AUG", "GMT");
//test("timeRange", true, 16);
//test("timeRange", true, 13, "GMT");
test("proxyBindings", "{}");
test = PACResolver(TEST_PAC)
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