

Article Outline




  1. 表结构
  2. 更新策略(增量或全量)
  3. 主键
  4. 字段枚举值,空值率
  5. 字段极值


  1. 表结构

    describe 库名.表名;

  2. 更新策略(增量或全量)

    • 看每天的数据量变化,如果每天都差不多,是全量,如果变化很大,是增量。
    • 单独看一个客户号,如果不是每个dt里都有他,那这张表肯定不是全量,因为全量不会漏客户。


    select '1' as nm,dt,count(*) from 库名.表名 group by dt order by dt desc limit 30 union all
    select '2' as nm,dt,count(*) from 库名.表名 group by dt order by dt desc limit 30 ;
    select dt from 库名.表名 where cust_id = '' group by dt  order by dt desc;
  1. 主键


    -- 方式1:
    select 主键字段,dt,count(*)  from 库名.表名 where dt = '20221010' group by 1,2 having count(*) >1;
    -- 方式2:
    '贷款催收' as name
    , sum(case when coalesce(主键字段, '')='' then 1 else 0 end) as null_count --主键为空校验
    ,count(distinct 主键字段) key --重复性校验
    ,count(1) as row_num --总行数校验
    from 库名.表名
    where dt = '20221010';
  1. 字段枚举值,空值率

    • 枚举值 - 分布情况
    select '字段1' as name, count(distinct 字段1) as js from  库名.表名 WHERE DT = '20221010' union all
    select '字段2' as name, count(distinct 字段2) as js from  库名.表名 WHERE DT = '20221010' union all
    select '字段3' as name, count(distinct 字段3) as js from  库名.表名 WHERE DT = '20221010';
    • 枚举值 - 单个字段这样看:
    select 字段1, count(*) from 表名.库名 where dt='20221010' group by 字段1;


    • 枚举值 - 多个字段这样看:(类似于,检查脏数据的办法,按长度降序排序检查)
    select  '字段1'as name, cast(字段1 as string) as value from 库名.表名 where dt = '20221010'  group by 字段1 order by length(字段1) desc limit 50 union all
    select  '字段2'as name, cast(字段2 as string) as value from 库名.表名 where dt = '20221010'  group by 字段2 order by length(字段2) desc limit 50;
    • 空值 - 多个字段这样看:
    -- 方式1:
    select '字段1'as nm, count(*) as js from 库名.表名 where dt = '20221010' and nvl(字段1,'')='' union all
    select '字段2'as nm, count(*) as js from 库名.表名 where dt = '20221010' and nvl(字段2,'')='' ;
    -- 方式2:
     sum(case when nvl(字段1,'')='' then 1 else 0 end ) / count(*) as 字段1
    ,sum(case when nvl(字段2,'')='' then 1 else 0 end ) / count(*) as 字段2
    ,sum(case when nvl(字段3,'')='' then 1 else 0 end ) / count(*) as 字段3
    ,sum(case when nvl(字段4,'')='' then 1 else 0 end ) / count(*) as 字段4
    from 库名.表名 where dt = '20221010' ;
  1. 字段极值

    • 检查每个字段值的最大长度值,是否超过该字段规定的长度值,可以将多个字段union all,同时查看每个字段值的长度
    select '字段1'as name, 字段1 as value ,ln from (select 字段1,length(字段1) as ln, row_number() over (partition by 字段1 order by length(字段1) desc ) as rn from 库名.表名 where dt = '20221010' ) t where t.rn = 1 limit 10 union all
    select '字段2'as name, 字段2 as value ,ln from (select 字段2,length(字段2) as ln, row_number() over (partition by 字段2 order by length(字段2) desc ) as rn from 库名.表名 where dt = '20221010' ) t where t.rn = 1 limit 10 ;



  1. 分析关联字段或过滤字段的限制,对查询结果的数据量是否有影响时,可进行多次比较,将每次条件的变化写成一个子查询,查看每段子查询的数据量。
  2. 检查过滤条件:
    • 删除标识字段
    • dt限制(增量用dt<='20221010',全量用dt='20221010')
    • 各种时间,各种状态限制(审批状态是否是通过,贷款余额是否大于0,核销状态是否是未核销)
  3. 检查关联条件:
    • 用证件号关联,用流水号关联,用合同号关联
    • inner join少数时,看两张表里的关联字段的枚举值是否一样多,是否有空值,是否存在一张表的字段值较少,导致有部分值关联不上
  4. 用四五个反例找共性,找到后需验证剩余部分数据,是否也具有该共性。
  5. row_number()随机取值
  6. 字段与字段间的关系判断
    • 一对一
    • 一对多
  7. 表与表的关系判断
    • 数据量是否一致
    • 是否是包含关系
    • 是否是交集关系,有共有的数据,也有各自独有的数据
    • 换表时,说明为什么用A表不用B表


  1. 查看每段子查询的数据量

    • 纵向展示:
    select '1' as nm, count(*) from ( 子查询1 ) t1   union all
    select '2' as nm, count(*) from ( 子查询2 ) t1   ;
    • 横向展示:
    from      (select '1' as nm, count(*) as cnt from ( 子查询1 ) t ) t1
    left join (select '2' as nm, count(*) as cnt from ( 子查询2 ) t ) t2 on 1=1
    left join (select '3' as nm, count(*) as cnt from ( 子查询3 ) t ) t3 on 1=1
    left join (select '4' as nm, count(*) as cnt from ( 子查询4 ) t ) t4 on 1=1;
  2. row_number()随机取值

    select 分组字段,排序字段,count(1) from 库名.表名 where DT = '20221010'  group by 分组字段,排序字段 order by count(1) desc limit 5;


  1. 两字段比较,字段与字段间的关系判断

    -- 方式1:
    select 字段1, count(distinct 字段2)
    from 库名.表名
    group by 字段1
    having count(distinct 字段2)>1;
    -- 方式2:
    select t.字段1,t.字段2 from (
    select 字段1,字段2,row_number() over (partition by 字段1 order by 字段2 desc ) as rn
     from 库名.表名
    where t.rn >1;

    这样就说明字段1与字段2是一对多的关系 扩展:多对多关系,上述SQL中字段1与字段2位置互换后,查询有值,就说明两者是多对多关系

  2. 两表比较,表与表的关系判断

    • 两表比较,找出表1中独有的cust_id
    -- 方式1:
    select t1.cust_id,* from 表1 t1 where t1.dt = '20221010'
    and t1.cust_id is not null
    not exists (select 1 from 表2 t2 where t2.dt = '20221010'
    and t1.cust_id = t2.cust_id
    -- 方式2:
    select t1.cust_id  from 表1 t1 where t1.dt = '20221010'
    left join 表2 t2
    on t1.cust_id = t2.cust_id
    where t2.cust_id is null;
    -- 方式3:
    select t1.cust_id  from 表1 t1 where t1.dt = '20221010'
    and t1.cust_id not in (select distinct t2.cust_id  from 表2 t2 );
    • 如果表1,表2 一模一样,那下面ABC查出来的数是一样的


    select count(*) from (select distinct cust_id,其余字段 from 表1 t1 where t1.dt = '20221010') A;
    select count(*) from (select distinct cust_id,其余字段 from 表2 t1 where t1.dt = '20221010') B;
    select count(*) from (
    select distinct cust_id,其余字段 from 表1 t1 where t1.dt = '20221010'
    select distinct cust_id,其余字段 from 表2 t1 where t1.dt = '20221010'
    ) C;


    select '表1独有的数据量(主键)' as nm,count(1) as js from (
    select distinct 主键 from 表1 where 主键 not in (select distinct 主键 from 表2 )
    union all
    select '表2独有的数据量(主键)' as nm,count(1) as js from (
    select distinct 主键 from 表2 where 主键 not in (select distinct 主键 from 表1 )
    union all
    select '表1表2交集数据量' as nm,count(1) as js from (
    select distinct t1.主键 from 表1 t1
    inner join 表2 t2
    on t1.主键=t2.主键



  1. 白皮书
  2. 需求文档
  3. 码值表
  4. 产品表
  5. 表层级关系图


  1. 记住高频使用的几张表(产品表,各个表的主表等),做到看到源表可以回忆起源表存放了哪些产品的客户数据。

  2. 给业务或开发老师展示查询结果时,开发老师关注问题定位到哪个脚本,最好哪一段逻辑有问题,业务老师关注哪一个时间段的哪些产品的客户有问题。
