
Postgresql from Spark, how to query?

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This article will cover how to query Postgresql from Spark, using Scala. To know more about Scala, check out any of the previous Scala articles.


Below, find dependencies needed to add to the build.sbt file.

libraryDependencies += "org.postgresql" % "postgresql" % "42.2.5"

libraryDependencies += "org.apache.spark" %% "spark-mllib" % sparkVersion % Provided

To make sure this is the correct version of org.postgresql, check MavenRepository.

Which configurations are needed ?

To be able to query Postgresql from Spark, a few configurations must be provided to the Spark job:

  • URL to the database, which should be of the form: jdbc:postgresql://[HOST]:[PORT]
  • User to log in if the database has the authentication enabled ( which should be )
  • Password to log in if the database has the authentication enabled ( which should be )
  • Database if the URL does not contains it already

How to pass the configurations to the Spark job?

There are three options:

  • As configuration using environment variables
  • As arguments passed to the jar
  • Or, fetched from another endpoint

Only the first option, using environment variables, will be discussed here.

For explanations about the other options, please request them in the comments below.

As configuration in spark-submit

The idea is to have the configuration stored in the environment variables. After that, call it when starting the Spark job as in the example below:

spark-submit \
   --class com.myOrganization.myProject.MyMainClass \
   --master ... \
   --deploy-mode ... \
   --num-executors ... \
   --driver-memory ... \
   --executor-memory ... \
   --conf spark.executor.cores=... \
   --conf spark.serializer=org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer \
   ... other configurations ...
   --conf spark.postgresql_url=${POSTGRES_URL} \
   --conf spark.postgresql_user=${POSTGRES_USER} \
   --conf spark.postgresql_password=${POSTGRES_PASSWORD} \
   /path/to/my/jar.jar \
   --argument value \
   --argument2 value2

All the ... should be replaced by the proper values. Find below, what each of the environment variables should contain:

  • Use POSTGRES_URL for the URL of the form:
    • jdbc:postgresql://[HOST]:[PORT]/[DATABASE_NAME]
  • Set POSTGRES_USER to the username to log in
  • POSTGRES_PASSWORD is the password to log in

Query Postgresql from Spark

Here is a snippet of code to query a table in Postgresql from Spark:

// Get the configurations from spark
val spark: SparkSession = ???
val conf: RuntimeConfig = spark.conf

// Retrieve the JDBC configurations
val jdbcUrl = conf.get("spark.postgres_url")
val jdbcUser = conf.get("spark.postgresql_user")
val jdbcPassword = conf.get("spark.postgresql_password")

// Table to query
val tableName = "Table to fetch"

// Tell spark which driver to use
val driver = "org.postgresql.Driver"

// Load the class

val df = spark
  .option("driver", driver)
  .option("url", jdbcUrl)
  .option("user", jdbcUser)
  .option("password", jdbcPassword)
  .option("dbtable", tableName)

In order to use this code, it is required that Spark must already be started and running. This is not the purpose of this article and is assumed to be already known and done.

The configuration set in the previous section of this article can be read from SparkSession, and then spark.conf.

Using the RuntimeConfig, retrieve the configuration passed above which should contains the right credentials and URL to the Postgresql database from the environment variables.

After this, set which table will be fetched. It will be translated to SELECT * FROM [tableName] by SparkSql.

Then, make sure that Spark knows which driver to use to perform the query. Since, Postgresql is being queried, the Driver here is org.postgresql.Driver.

And finally, all the components are gathered so the query can be run. df will be a DataFrame containing the entirety of the table. Then, it is possible to use traditional Spark methods to filter, select and transform the data as if the Postgresql table was any other DataFrame.

Exception in thread "main" java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver

The Spark job will throw this exception if any of these are missed:

  • Did not update the build.sbt file with the right dependency.
  • Did not call Class.forName(driver) before running the query.
  • Did not set option("driver", ...).

If the issue persists, please leave a comment below.