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今天看老罗的发布会,看到 M1 出场的那一刻我就知道他要挨骂了。


有人说,模仿 iPhone 是最 low 的抄袭。但是我在意的是这句话


的原始出处应该是乔布斯在 WWDC 97 上的一次访谈。

I don’t think it’s good that Apple is perceived as different. I think it’s important that Apple is perceived as much better. And if being different is essential to doing that, then we have to do that. But if we can be much better without being different, that would be fine with me. I want to be much better. I don’t care about being different. We’ll have to be different in some ways to be much better, but that’s the prize.


看看 Android 手机的按键变迁史和 Material Design 发展史,我们就知道致力于做和友商不一样并没有实质性的好处。最终大家还是得找更好的解决方案。

PS1:我依然受不了老罗的发布会风格。 PS2:我依然认为锤子在过度设计和优化上走得太远,有一种“用力过猛然而并没有什么卵用”的感觉。