Some tips discoverd. Write down for later usage. You maybe find something not clear, it is normal since it is for myself. If something is good, a new post will be published.
<!-- more -->
Add visitor counts and sitetime
More can be seen in 使用不蒜子添加访客统计.
Using 不蒜子 for site visitor counts.
1.Add this in footer.html
<script async src="//"></script>
2.Add each or one of the following
<span id="busuanzi_container_site_pv">
本站总访问量<span id="busuanzi_value_site_pv"></span>次
<span id="busuanzi_container_site_uv">
本站访客数<span id="busuanzi_value_site_uv"></span>人次
Using the following to add sitetime
<span id="sitetime"></span> <!--显示建站时间的地方放置此代码 可以加上其他代HTML代码加粗颜色等-->
<script language=javascript>
function siteTime(){
window.setTimeout("siteTime()", 1000);
var seconds = 1000;
var minutes = seconds * 60;
var hours = minutes * 60;
var days = hours * 24;
var years = days * 365;
var today = new Date();
var todayYear = today.getFullYear();
var todayMonth = today.getMonth()+1;
var todayDate = today.getDate();
var todayHour = today.getHours();
var todayMinute = today.getMinutes();
var todaySecond = today.getSeconds();
var t1 = Date.UTC(2019,12,27,17,46,00); //此处填写建站时间 依次为 年,月,日,时,分,秒注意格式 半角,
var t2 = Date.UTC(todayYear,todayMonth,todayDate,todayHour,todayMinute,todaySecond);
var diff = t2-t1;
var diffYears = Math.floor(diff/years);
var diffDays = Math.floor((diff/days)-diffYears*365);
var diffHours = Math.floor((diff-(diffYears*365+diffDays)*days)/hours);
var diffMinutes = Math.floor((diff-(diffYears*365+diffDays)*days-diffHours*hours)/minutes);
var diffSeconds = Math.floor((diff-(diffYears*365+diffDays)*days-diffHours*hours-diffMinutes*minutes)/seconds);
document.getElementById("sitetime").innerHTML="🕓Mike Lyou's Blog 已开通 "+diffYears+" 年 "+diffDays+" 天 "+diffHours+" 小时 "+diffMinutes+" 分钟 "+diffSeconds+" 秒";
Details about MathJax (Label and Cite Equations)
During the writing of thermodynamics study notes, I came up with the need to label a bunch of equations and cite them in derivations. And after some struggle, I found a way to label and cite equations.
Below is a simple example, below is a equation, with auto-generated equation-number:
\begin{equation} c_P - c_V = \frac{\alpha^2 TV}{\kappa_T N} \tag{2.16} \label{eq-example} \end{equation}
And we can cite \eqref{eq-example} in lines.
Here is what we write:
c_P - c_V = \frac{\alpha^2 TV}{\kappa_T N}
And we can cite \eqref{eq-example} in lines.
If this is what you need too, you can continue reading.
With the default configuration of Hux's blog, we can use the following ways to write equations:
$ x^2 + y^2 = R^2 $
will shows $x^2+y^2=R^2$.Using
$$ x^2 + y^2 = R^2 $$
will generate equation in a single line:
$$ x^2 + y^2 = R^2 $$
- Using the following line will generate with equation-number.
(Here using\begin{align} \end{align}
is same as\begin{equation} \end{equation}
x^2 + y^2 = R^2
\begin{equation} x^2 + y^2 = R^2 \end{equation}
- Using
\begin{equation\*} \end{equation\*}
will not generate equation-number.
\begin{equation*} x^2 + y^2 = R^2 \end{equation*}
- We can customize equation-number by adding
between$ $
,$$ $$
or\begin{equation} \end{equation}
\begin{equation} x^2 + y^2 = R^2 \tag{eq-aaaaaa} \end{equation}
- We can cite a equation using
to cite without brackets or with brackets. (Here no example because I've changed configuration, see below)
Then problem comes. If we use the auto-generated equation-number, we have to look for their numbers before each citation, which will be very boring when an article is very long, and the number will change if we insert new equation between. But if we label all of them, it would be another tiring work.
If you are familiar with LaTeX writing, you may use \label{yourlabel}
to label an equation, by doing so, we can cite equations using their label names, and enjoy the convenience of automatically equation numbering.
There are only one change in configuration: adding useLabelIds: true
in mathjax_support.html
(you may ignore other differences)
<script type="text/x-mathjax-config">
TeX: {equationNumbers: {autoNumber: ["AMS"], useLabelIds: true}},
"HTML-CSS": {linebreaks: {automatic: true}},
SVG: {linebreaks: {automatic: true}}
By doing so, we can use label
instead of tag
to cite equations (and will disable tag
at the same time). Now we can use \label{yourlabel}
to add labels to equations, and cite equations using \eqref{yourlabel}
c_P - c_V = \frac{\alpha^2 TV}{\kappa_T N}
\tag{2.16} <!--useless-->
This is the example equation at the very beginning. And let's use \eqref{eq-example}
to cite \eqref{eq-example}. And now using \eqref{2.16}
to cite \eqref{2.16} will give you something like ???
References and More Reading:
[1] MathJax 让你爱上数学公式
[2] Mathjax: TeX Input Processor Options
[3] Hux Blod: Add MathJax Support
Hide posts at homepage
Using hidden: true
at post head can hide particular post at homepage, but it's still visible at archive, and can be reached through link from neighboring posts.
Using published: false
will totally exclude it from website.
Image caption
I want to write credit when I use images from elsewhere, which includes author and url. This issue was partly solved by this post.
Includes a new file named image.html
which presents as below
<!-- {% raw %} -->
<!-- _includes/image.html -->
<div class="image-wrapper" >
{% if include.url %}
<a href="{{ include.url }}" title="{{ include.title }}" target="_blank">
{% endif %}
<img src="{{ site.url }}/{{ include.img }}" alt="{{ include.title }}"/>
{% if include.url %}
{% endif %}
{% if include.caption %}
<p class="image-caption">{{ include.caption }}</p>
{% endif %}
<!-- {% endraw %} -->
Add new ccs style
.image-wrapper {
text-align: center;
.image-caption {
color: $grey-color;
margin-top: $spacing-unit / 3;
And write in post like This
<!-- {% raw %} -->
{% include image.html
title="title for image"
caption="caption for image"
url="" %}
<!-- {% endraw %} -->
Many answers I found think for sure that I know how css files work, but I didn't. Now I kinda understand.
You can find bootstrap.css
and bootstrap.min.css
under /css
directory. If you use theme from others, there may be another two sometheme.css
and sometheme.min.css
. You can add the css style directly into one of the *.css
file, or create a new sample.css
and add it.
You maybe notice *.min.css
is hard to read, that is because*.min.css
file is minified *.css
file, which removes unnecessary space and other stuffs. Their functions are identical, but *.min.css
has better efficiency. If you use theme from others, they usually use *.min.css
rather than *.css
. So you when you have made up your *.css
file, you should use css minifier or other tools to generate a *.min.css
If you create a new *.css
file, you should also include it in head.html
<!-- {% raw %} -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ "/css/sample.min.css" | prepend: site.baseurl }}">
<!-- {% endraw %} -->
Things have'n solved are:
- Not work for header images.
- Need to use Liquid.
Here is another method, not beautiful though.
Enable Catalog
It's already embeded in Hux's blog. (But I've finding it for long time Orz...)
Just adding catalog: true
can enable catalog. It is written in post.html
Catalog style: floats at the right of the page.
The 1,2,3 heading has the same style, 4,5,6 has the same style.
However, when the catalog is too long, a scroll bar will appear, which is not beautiful.
By the way, the method of adding in-post link is using [Enable Catalog](#enable-catalog)
which looks as Enable Catalog.
How to write math using Latex grammar (mathjax)
It is already embeded in Hux's blog.
Add mathjax: true
to enable it.
Note that this effect is different from ## Atom plugin (irrelavent)
. That one aims to write math directly in atom, and read, has nothing to do with blog.
Using the following line
$$ S = \int_{a}^b f(x) \mathrm{d}x = F(b) - F(a) $$
to show
$$ S = \int_{a}^b f(x) \mathrm{d}x = F(b) - F(a) $$
Atom plugin (irrelevant)
Added markdown-preview-plus
to enable writing math equations with LaTeX. Eg. $\mu$
$$ S = \int_{a}^b f(x) \mathrm{d}x = F(b) - F(a) $$
But keep in mind, that this only enables math equations, sentences such as \begin{equation}
has no function.
If you don't need the equation numbers, just use $+symbol+$
or $$the equation$$
to have the same outcomes at both Atom and website.
Reference: →简书
By the way, I found another article, which proved irrelevant with my concern. It can make you write pure LaTeX document in Plan Text
. The article →知乎
Copyright statement
Since every posts may have different copyright statements. I added the copyright-statement.html
. By this way, it is easier to make statement and make updates. Detailed changes are as below.
- Added
. - Included
. - New variable at post head. Example:
copyright-statement: CC BY-NC
If not stated, it shows default statement.
Back-to-top button
Powered by vanilla-back-to-top. Thanks for that.
解决花括号在 Jekyll 被识别成 Liquid 代码的问题
在解决 #Add Valine comment block 时遇到的。
为什么上面直接放图了呢?因为我直接这样写的话 raw
和 endraw
Add Valine comment block
I've struggled adding Disqus for a long time, but still nothing achieved. Though not decide to give up Disqus, I found Valine, and successfully add it to my blog in only one hour.
In _config.yml
write this
# Valine settings
valine_appId: your AppID
valine_appKey: your AppKey
In _post.html
write this
<!-- {% raw %} -->
{% if site.valine_appId %}
{% if page.comments %}
<!--valine comment function (mikelyou)-->
<script src="//"></script>
<script src='//'></script>
<div id="comment"></div>
<!--valine comment function end (mikelyou)-->
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<!-- {% endraw %} -->
{% raw %}
{% if site.valine_appId %}
var valine = new Valine();
path: '{{ page.url }}',
placeholder:'Write comments here~'
<!--valine comment function end-->
{% endif %}
{% endraw %}
where Disqus and netease_comment code appears.
And we can enable it by insert the following line at the post's head.
comments: true # defalut == false
- Valine Official
- jekyll 添加 Valine 评论 (brief and effective)
- Valine: 独立博客评论系统
- Valine Admin 配置手册
- Valine评论系统 (good example)
Customized excerpts
The excerpts (or abstract) will appear at the list of posts, and by default it is copied from the first some number of words of the post.
Here are two ways to customize the excerpts.
One way is using excerpt
Adding the line
excerpt_separator: '<!-- more -->'
.Go to
, <!-- {% raw %} -->change{{ post.content }}
to{{ post.excerpt }}
. <!-- {% endraw %} -->Then we can do by adding
<!-- more -->
in our posts,and the auto-copied excerpts will stop there.
The second way is write it directly in post head.
We can use
excerpt: Write your excerpt here.
at post head directly.And this will disable auto-generated excerpts.
- 第一步:你需要在网站根目录下创建一个名为
|-- _posts/
|-- _drafts/
| |--
- 第二步:运行
jekyll serve --drafts
即可(或jekyll build --drafts
jekyll serve # 普通的 jekyll 服务器搭建
jekyll serve --drafts # 显示草稿的 jekyll 服务器搭建