Article Outline
Python matplotlib example 'despottic example coSLED'
Functions in program:
def ranges(min,max):
Modules used in program:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
python despottic example coSLED
Python matplotlib example: despottic example coSLED
# This is an example code using the DESPOTIC library. This code will
# compute the SLEDs for CO12 and CO13 on several cloud files which
# will be progressing from the Milky Way temperature and density to the
# Ulirg temperature and density. Also calculates all of the X_CO factors
# for the clouds in question. See despotic example code from install dir
# Library Imports
# Import the despotic library
from despotic import cloud
import numpy as np
# Import standard python libraries
#from numpy import *
#from matplotlib import *
#from matplotlib.pyplot import *
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
# Import simulated cloud file
# Read the Milky Way GMC cloud file
gmc = cloud(fileName='cloudfiles/MilkyWayGMC.desp')
# Read the ULIRG cloud file
ulirg = cloud(fileName='cloudfiles/ULIRG.desp')
# The calculations
Change the densities of the cloud and move closer to the ULIRG T and
def ranges(min,max):
Return a list with boundaries at Milky Way and ULIRG conditions
and three intermediate points.
return [min+i*(max-min) for i in [0.00,0.25,0.50,0.75,1.00]]
maxDens = 1.0e5 # ULIRG volume gas density
minDens = 100.0 # Milky Way volume gas density
rangesDens = ranges(minDens,maxDens)
maxT = 45 # Kelvin temp of the ULIRG cloud
minT = 8 # Kelvin temp of the Milky Way cloud
rangesT = ranges(minT,maxT)
# Compute the luminosity of the CO lines in the cloud at each
luminosities = [] # array to store the luminosities
luminosities13 = [] # foc CO13
XCO = [] # XCO's
gmc = cloud(fileName='cloudfiles/MilkyWayGMC.desp')
for i in range(5):
##gmc = cloud(fileName='cloudfile/MilkyWayGMC.desp')
# change the Temperature and density
gmc.nH = rangesDens[i]
gmc.Tg = rangesT[i]
# compute the luminosity of the CO lines in the cloud
t1 =
gmclines = gmc.lineLum('co')
gmclines13 = gmc.lineLum('13co')
t2 =
print("Execution time = "+str(t2-t1))
# Print out the CO X factor for both clouds. This is column density
# divided by velocity-integrated brightness temperature.
print("GMC X_CO = "+str(gmc.colDen/gmclines[0]['intTB']) + \)
" cm^-2 / (K km s^-1)" + "At gas dens ",gmc.nH," and temperature ",\
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Some other code from M. Krumholz
gmcTBint=np.array([line['intTB'] for line in gmclines])
gmcTBint13=np.array([line['intTB'] for line in gmclines13])
# Mask negative values to avoid warnings. Negative values are obtained
# for some of the very high J states due simply to roundoff error.
gmcTBint[gmcTBint <= 0] = 1e-50
gmcTBint13[gmcTBint13 <= 0] = 1e-50
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