
matplotlib example jenkinssetup (snippet)

Article Outline

Python matplotlib example 'jenkinssetup'

Functions in program:

  • def cross_product(ss,row=[],level=0):

Modules used in program:

  • import urllib
  • import shutil
  • import os

python jenkinssetup

Python matplotlib example: jenkinssetup

import os
import shutil
import urllib
    from collections import OrderedDict
except ImportError:
    from ordereddict import OrderedDict

# pyfits depends on numpy.  pywcs hard-depends on numpy (won't install without it)
install_order = ('python','numpy','pyfits','pywcs','matplotlib','boto')
print_order = ('python','pywcs','numpy','matplotlib','pyfits')

NUMPY_VERSIONS = ['1.4.1', '1.5.1', '1.6.1']
PYTHON_VERSIONS = ['2.6', '2.7']
PYFITS_VERSIONS = ['2.4.0', '3.0.1', '3.0.2', '3.0.3', '3.0.4', '3.0.5']
PYWCS_VERSIONS = ['1.8.1-4.4.4', '1.9-4.4.4', '1.10-4.7', '1.11-4.8.2']
MATPLOTLIB_VERSIONS = ['1.1.0'] # matplotlib 1.0.0 doesn't exist @ pypi, follows nonstandard path @ sourceforge
                                # matplotlib 1.0.1 simply wouldn't install; it died on libpng if I used the 1.1.0 make.osx or died on a bad tarball if I used the given version
BOTO_VERSIONS = ['2.2.2']

pwd = os.getcwd()

package_dict = OrderedDict({

mpl_deps_path = '/Users/adam/repos/jenkins_tests/mpl_dependencies/'
osx_ver = '10.6'
matplotlib_flags = (
    'PKG_CONFIG_PATH={mpl}/lib/pkgconfig'.format(mpl=mpl_deps_path) + 
    'CFLAGS="-arch i386 -arch x86_64 -I${mpl}/include -I${mpl}/include/freetype2 -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX{osx}.sdk"'.format(mpl=mpl_deps_path,osx=osx_ver)+
    'LDFLAGS="-arch i386 -arch x86_64 -L${mpl}/lib -syslibroot,/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX${osx}.sdk"'.format(mpl=mpl_deps_path,osx=osx_ver) )

matplotlib_command = "PATH={pybinpath}:$PATH make -j 6 -f make.osx PYVERSION={pyver} PREFIX={pyrootpath} fetch deps mpl_install >> logfile"

package_install_prefixes = {'numpy':'',

package_install_flags = {'numpy':' --fcompiler=g95',

package_url = {'numpy':'http://sourceforge.net/projects/numpy/files/NumPy/{0}/numpy-{0}.tar.gz',
        # 'matplotlib':'http://sourceforge.net/projects/matplotlib/files/matplotlib/matplotlib-1.0/matplotlib-{0}.tar.gz',

# download and untar the packages
for package_name,versions in package_dict.items():
    for vers in versions:
        package_path = '{0}-{1}'.format(package_name,vers)
        #if os.path.exists(package_path):
        #    shutil.rmtree(package_path)

        tarfile = package_path+'.tar.gz'
        if package_name in package_url:
            tar_url = package_url[package_name].format(vers)
            if not os.path.exists(tarfile):
            if not os.path.exists(package_path):
                os.system('tar xzvf %s' % tarfile)
                os.system('chmod -R +w ' + package_path)

# MAJOR HACK - matplotlib 1.0.1 make.osx simply does not work!  So, get rid of the pos...

def cross_product(ss,row=[],level=0):
    """ from http://code.activestate.com/recipes/159975-one-liner-to-generate-the-cross-product-of-an-arbi/"""
    return (len(ss)>1 
            and reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,[cross_product(ss[1:],row+[i],level+1) for i in ss[0]]) 
            or [row+[i] for i in ss[0]])

# make a set of lists of install versions, always sorted by install order
crossprod_versions = cross_product([[(name,value)  for value in package_dict[name]] for name in install_order])

# add Python versions (don't build them)
#package_dict = OrderedDict({'python':PYTHON_VERSIONS}.items()+package_dict.items()) # DO include python vers. in path (but don't try to unpack it)
packages_versions = ([["{0}{1}".format(name,value)  for value in package_dict[name]] for name in print_order if name is not 'boto'])
paths = ["-".join(names) for names in cross_product(packages_versions)]

for versions,targetpath in zip(crossprod_versions,paths):

    for target,vers in versions:
        if target == 'python':
            python_version = vers

    if python_version in ['3.1', '3.2']:
        if numpy_version == '1.4.1':
        if versions == ('numpy','1.4.1'):
    # this should have been eliminated at the root level...
    if not "python{0}".format(python_version) in targetpath:

    if 'boto' in targetpath: # this is purely a hack / sanity check: I don't want to accidentally create a bunch of undesired directories
    if targetpath.count('python') > 1:
        import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    fullpath = "{0}/{1}/".format(pwd, targetpath)

    # Skip if already exists
    #if os.path.exists(targetpath):
    #    continue

    # Generate virtual environment
    if not os.path.exists(targetpath):
        os.system('virtualenv-{pv} --no-site-packages --distribute {targetpath}'.format(targetpath=targetpath,pv=python_version))

    python = '{cwd}/{targetpath}/bin/python{pv}'.format(targetpath=targetpath,pv=python_version,cwd=pwd)
    interpreter = 'CC=gcc '+python
    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    for target,vers in versions:
        #if target =='pywcs' and vers == '1.11-4.8.2':
        #    interpreter = interpreter.replace('CC=gcc ', '')
        tryvalue = os.system(python + " -c 'import {0}'".format(target))
        if tryvalue != 0:
            print("{0}{2} was not installed (import returned {1}).  Installing now.".format(target,tryvalue,vers))
            if target == 'matplotlib':
                os.system(matplotlib_command.format(pybinpath=fullpath+'/bin/', pyrootpath=fullpath, pyver=python_version ))
                os.system(package_install_prefixes[target] +" "+ interpreter + ' setup.py build'+package_install_flags[target]+' >> logfile')
                os.system(package_install_prefixes[target] +" "+ interpreter + ' setup.py install >> logfile')
                os.system('chmod -R +w *')
        tryvalue2 = os.system(python + " -c 'import {0}'".format(target))
        if tryvalue2 != 0:
            print("{0}{2} failed its install (import returned {1}).  Re-installing now, after cleaning.".format(target,tryvalue,vers))
            os.system(package_install_prefixes[target] +" "+ interpreter + ' setup.py clean >> logfile')
            os.system('rm -r build/')
            if target == 'matplotlib':
                os.system(matplotlib_command.format(pybinpath=fullpath+'/bin/', pyrootpath=fullpath, pyver=python_version ))
                os.system(package_install_prefixes[target] +" "+ interpreter + ' setup.py build'+package_install_flags[target]+' >> logfile')
                os.system(package_install_prefixes[target] +" "+ interpreter + ' setup.py install >> logfile')
            os.system('chmod -R +w *')
        tryvalue3 = os.system(python + " -c 'import {0}'".format(target))
        if tryvalue3 != 0:
            print("ERROR: {0} failed to install after a clean!".format(target))
            import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    # independent matplotlib check
    trypylab = os.system(python + " -c 'import pylab'")
    if trypylab != 0:
        # matplotlib failure
        import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    print((interpreter+" -c 'import {0}'").format(','.join(dict(versions).keys())))
    if (os.system((interpreter+" -c 'import {0}'").format(','.join(dict(versions).keys())))) != 0:
        import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        #raise Exception("Install failed!")

#os.system('rm -r pywcs-{wv}'.format(**versions))
#os.system('rm -r pyfits-{fv}'.format(**versions))
#os.system('rm -r matplotlib-{mv}'.format(**versions))
#os.system('rm -r numpy-{nv}'.format(**versions))