Article Outline
Python mysql example 'CollectionOne'
Functions in program:
def main():
def processFile(workingFile, file_folder, file_name, sqlConnection):
def dbConnection():
def getFiles(currentWD):
Modules used in program:
import mysql.connector
import re
import os
python CollectionOne
Python mysql example: CollectionOne
import os
import re
import mysql.connector
from mysql.connector import Error
def getFiles(currentWD):
filesToRead = []
for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(currentWD):
for filename in filenames:
# ignore some files we don't care about
excludeList = ['errors', '.DS_Store', '._']
if any(item in filename for item in excludeList):
filePath = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
return filesToRead
def dbConnection():
# Connect to a MySQL instance
print("[*] Establishing Connection to your MySQL Server...\n")
connection = mysql.connector.connect(host='localhost',
if connection.is_connected():
dbInfo = connection.get_server_info()
print("[*] You are connected to your MySQL Server. This server is running MySQL version: ", dbInfo)
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("select database();")
record = cursor.fetchone()
print("[*] You are connected to database: ", record)
except Error as e:
print("[!] Error while connecting to MySQL - ", e)
return connection
def processFile(workingFile, file_folder, file_name, sqlConnection):
# Process each file in the working directory
# Assign some needed variables to capture the data being passed from other functions (probably not needed)
connection = sqlConnection
fileFolder = file_folder
fileName = file_name
# Open each file
with open(workingFile) as workingFile:
workingFile = workingFile.readlines()
for line in workingFile:
# Run some checks to see if the record being read is an email/password combo or a username/password combo
# A simple check to see if the line may contain an email address (probably a better way to do this)
if '@' in line:
# strip out any whitespace and newline characters
# split the email and passwords by known delimiters
splitLine = re.split(":|;|\|", line)
# assigning each `part` to a variable and stripping again (had an issue where passwords were including
# return characters (probably a better way to do this)
email = splitLine[0].strip()
password = splitLine[1].strip()
# stripping the email username and domain from the email address and assigning each to a variable
emailANDdomain = email.split('@')
userName = emailANDdomain[0].strip()
domain = emailANDdomain[1].strip()
cursor = connection.cursor()
# build your query
insertQuery = """ INSERT INTO `emails_and_passwords`
(`email`, `password`, `username`, `domain`, `folderName`, `fileName`)
VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)"""
# assign appropriate variables to your query
insertTuple = email, password, userName, domain, fileFolder, fileName
# push and commit changes to the MySQL database
result = cursor.execute(insertQuery, insertTuple)
except Exception as error:
# Handle any errors and roll back changes to the database to prevent corruption
print("[!] (PROCESSED AS EMAIL) Failed to insert record into MySQL database {}".format(error))
# save any errors caught to a text file for each folder processed - This will be used to improve the
# script at a later date
textFileName = fileFolder + '_errors.txt'
with open(textFileName, 'a') as errors:
# indicate the record was processed in the email statement
errors.write("[PROCESSED AS EMAIL] - "+line)
# Keep it moving
# if the above statement fails, process as a username/password combo
# strip out any whitespace and newline characters
# split the email and passwords by known delimiters
splitLine = re.split(":|;|\|", line)
# assigning each `part` to a variable and stripping again (had an issue where passwords were including
# return characters (probably a better way to do this)
username = splitLine[0].strip()
password = splitLine[1].strip()
cursor = connection.cursor()
# build your query
insertQuery = """ INSERT INTO `usernames_and_passwords`
(`username`, `password`, `folderName`, `fileName`)
VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s)"""
# assign appropriate variables to your query
insertTuple = username, password, fileFolder, fileName
# push and commit changes to the MySQL database
result = cursor.execute(insertQuery, insertTuple)
except Exception as error:
# Handle any errors and roll back changes to the database to prevent corruption
print("[!] (PROCESSED AS U/N) Failed to insert record into MySQL database {}".format(error))
# save any errors caught to a text file for each folder processed - This will be used to improve the
# script at a later date
textFileName = fileFolder + '_errors.txt'
with open(textFileName, 'a') as errors:
# indicate the record was processed in the username/password statement
errors.write("[PROCESSED AS U/N] - "+line)
# Keep it moving
def main():
# Throw this script in the directory you want or use the below os.chdir to specify the directory you want to look
# in (just make sure to comment line 148 out if you move the script to your working directory
currentWD = os.getcwd()
# Pass the current working directory to function to get a list of files to process and assign it to a variable
filesToProcess = getFiles(currentWD)
# Useful to see if you are looking at the right directory
print("[****] Here are the files found for processing: [****]\n", filesToProcess)
# Establish a variable to pass later on for the database connection
sqlConnection = dbConnection()
for file in filesToProcess:
# For each file in the working directory - process each file
print("[****] Processing file: ", file)
# Get the file folder and file name for each file processed - assign to a variable to pass to on to the
# processing function
str_split = file.split('/')
file_folder = str_split[len(str_split)-2]
file_name =str_split[len(str_split)-1]
# Invoke the processing function - Pass all needed data
processFile(file, file_folder, file_name, sqlConnection)
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