Article Outline
Python mysql example 'boardgame inventory scanner'
Functions in program:
def numcheckedout(bggid):
def checkout(bggid, playerid):
def checkin(bggid, playerid, checkingid):
def checking(c, upc):
def playercommands(upc):
def commands(upc):
def main_menu():
def inventory(upc):
def player_search(upc):
def gameoutput(result, col2):
def undo(bggid, name):
def alter_name(name):
def user_search(name):
def get_name(bggid):
def get_bggid_from_publisher(c, bggid):
def add_game(c, bggid, name, upc):
def get_bggid_from_name(name):
def scan_upcitemdb(upc):
def scan_upcindex(upc):
def upc_search(upc):
Modules used in program:
import urllib2, sys, re
import mysql.connector
import requests
python boardgame inventory scanner
Python mysql example: boardgame inventory scanner
import requests
import mysql.connector
from xml.dom import minidom
import urllib2, sys, re
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup as bs
menu_select = "1"
# to do: check to see if inventory table exists. If not, create it.
# to do: check to see if replica bgg database exists. If not, don't use it.
# to do: add help
# to do: add ability to some how read and/or manipulate database?
# to do: bgg database doesn't have collection table. The conversion errored out with: ERROR 1064 (42000) at line 857795: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'current_date, owned INTEGER NOT NULL, rank INTEGER, weight REAL, trading INTEGER' at line 1
# to do: add menu 'above' this that lets the user select catalog or check in/out
# to do: add exit function to go back to the menu 'above' this
# to do: update the date when you increment a game on inventory
def upc_search(upc):
# Checks to see if the UPC is already in the inventory database
# If it is, it outputs the BGGID of the game associated with it
query = "SELECT bggid FROM inventory WHERE upc = {upc}".format(upc = upc)
bggid = c.fetchone()
return bggid
def scan_upcindex(upc):
# Searches UPCIndex for the UPC
# Returns the game names that it found, if any
url = ''
url += str(upc)
hdr = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/23.0.1271.64 Safari/537.11',
'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8',
'Accept-Charset': 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3',
'Accept-Encoding': 'none',
'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.8',
'Connection': 'keep-alive'}
req = urllib2.Request(url, headers=hdr)
page = urllib2.urlopen(req)
soup = bs(page)
name = soup.find("ol", {"class":"no-slide"})
title = []
for li in name:
return title
def scan_upcitemdb(upc):
# Searches UPCItemdb for the UPC and returns the game names, if any
print("Unable to find in UPCindex. Searching UPCitemdb.")
url = ''
#upc = 609456647229
url += str(upc)
response = requests.get(url)
# print(response.text)
if response.status_code != 200:
print("Item not found!")
title = []
# print(response.json())
offers= response.json()["items"][0]["offers"]
# print(offers[0])
title = []
for index,item in enumerate(response.json()["items"][0]["offers"]):
# print(response.json()["items"][0]["offers"][index]["title"])
return title
def get_bggid_from_name(name):
# searches the database for the game name and returns the bggid, if it found it.
# if multiple games were found with the same name, it goes to get_bggid_from_publisher function
# which will ultimately display the games to the user and allows them to select which one they want
# to do: don't add % at the end or beginning of the name (it might lead to multiples)
# Remove :, &, and leading spaces
name = name.replace(':', '%')
name = name.replace('&', '%')
name = name.rstrip(' ') # remove trailing spaces
name = name.lstrip(' ') # remove leading spaces
name = name.replace('and', '%') # to do: consider making this better
query = "SELECT bggid FROM games WHERE name LIKE '{nm}'".format(nm = name)
result = c.fetchall()
if not result:
elif len(result) == 1:
bggid = str(result[0][0])
else: # more than one bggid for that game name 817054010226
bggid = []
string = ""
for game in result:
string += str(game[0]) + ", "
# string = string.rstrip(", ")
# print("more than one game with that name: " + string)
bggid = get_bggid_from_publisher(c, bggid)
return bggid
def add_game(c, bggid, name, upc):
# adds game to the inventory table of the database (or increments its ownership value if it is already there)
query = "SELECT owned FROM inventory WHERE bggid = {bggid}".format(bggid = bggid)
owned = c.fetchone()
if owned: # This game is already in the inventory, see if we want to increment it
owned = owned[0]
response = str(raw_input( "There are {num} copies of {gm} in your inventory. Do you want to add another? y/N ".format(num=owned, gm = name))) or "n"
if response == 'y' or response == 'Y':
query = "UPDATE inventory SET owned = {num} WHERE bggid = {bggid}".format(num=owned+1, bggid=bggid)
print("Updated " + name + " in your collection.")
elif response == 'n' or response == "N":
print("Invalid response. Please scan again.")
query = "INSERT INTO inventory (bggid, upc) VALUES ({bggid}, {upc})".format(bggid = bggid, upc = upc)
print("Added " + name + " to your collection.")
def get_bggid_from_publisher(c, bggid):
# multiple BGGIDs found, this function will sort them by publisher and the user can pick from that
pub_query = """ SELECT
FROM publishers
INNER JOIN gamepub ON gamepub.pubid = publishers.pubid
WHERE gamepub.bggid = {bggid}"""
year_query = """SELECT games.year
FROM games
WHERE games.bggid = {bggid}"""
name_query = "SELECT FROM games WHERE games.bggid = {bggid}"
i = 1
print("Multiple games with that name were found:")
choices = []
name_string = ""
for game in bggid:
query = name_query.format(bggid=game)
name = c.fetchall()[0][0].encode('utf-8')
query = year_query.format(bggid=game)
year = c.fetchall()[0][0]
print(str(i) + " : " + "("+str(year)+") "+ name)
i += 1
# TO DO: add the more info capability
more_info = i
print(str(more_info) + " : More Info")
print(str(more_info+1) + " : Exit")
user_choice = input("Input number of the game you would like to select: ")
i = 1
if user_choice == more_info: # more info was selected
for game in bggid:
pub_string = ""
query = pub_query.format(bggid=game)
result = c.fetchall()
for pub in result:
pub_string += pub[0].encode('utf-8') + ", "
pub_string = pub_string.rstrip(", ")
print(str(i) + " : " + pub_string)
i += 1
print(str(more_info) + " : Input BGGID")
print(str(more_info+1) + " : Exit")
user_choice = input("Input number of the game you would like to select: ")
elif user_choice == more_info+1: # user wants to exit
else: # game chosen
bggid = choices[user_choice-1]
if user_choice == more_info: # user inputs BGGID
bggid = input("Input BGGID: ")
query = name_query.format(bggid=bggid)
name = c.fetchall()[0][0].encode('utf-8')
user_input = input("Add {nm}? Y/n: ".format(nm = name)) or "Y"
if user_input != 'y' or user_input != "Y":
return # otherwise, bggid stays as user input
bggid = choices[user_choice-1]
elif user_choice == more_info + 1: # user wants to exit
bggid = choices[user_choice-1]
return bggid
def get_name(bggid):
# gets the name from the db, so that we don't enter a new game name in
query = """SELECT name FROM games WHERE bggid = {bggid}""".format(bggid = bggid)
return c.fetchall()[0][0]
def user_search(name):
# searches the database for a game name given by the user
# first searches exactly what the user typed. Then, it adds wildcards to the beginning and end
bggid = get_bggid_from_name(name)
if not bggid: # no game found. Add wild cards
print("No game with name '{nm}' found. Adding wildcards".format(nm = name))
bggid = get_bggid_from_name("%" + name + "%")
# name = get_name(bggid)
# add_game(c, bggid, name, upc)
return bggid
def alter_name(name):
# alters the game name to remove things like 'deluxe edition', which may come up in a UPC search
name = re.sub('deluxe edition', '', name, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
name = re.sub('(brand new)', '', name, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
name = name.lstrip('Kosmos - ')
name = re.sub('board game', '', name, flags = re.IGNORECASE)
name = re.sub('Brand', '', name, flags = re.IGNORECASE)
name = re.sub(': N/a', '', name, flags = re.IGNORECASE)
name = re.sub('game', '', name, flags = re.IGNORECASE)
name = name.replace(''', '')
name = name.rstrip(' ')
name = name.rstrip('-')
name = name.replace('()', '')
return name
def undo(bggid, name):
# removes the previous game that was added to the database (or reduces the ownership value if > 1)
query = "SELECT owned FROM inventory WHERE bggid = {bggid}".format(bggid = bggid)
owned = c.fetchone()[0]
if owned == 1:
# need to remove the game from the database
user_choice = raw_input("Remove '{gm}' from inventory? y/N: ".format(gm = name)) or "N"
if user_choice == 'y' or user_choice == 'Y':
query = "DELETE FROM inventory WHERE bggid = {bggid}".format(bggid = bggid)
elif owned > 1:
user_choice = raw_input("Remove 1 copy of '{gm}' from inventory (there are current {x} copies in the inventory)? y/N: ".format(gm = name, x = owned)) or "n"
if user_choice == 'y' or user_choice == 'Y':
query = "UPDATE inventory SET owned = {num} WHERE bggid = {bggid}".format(num=owned-1, bggid=bggid)
print("Updated " + name + " in your collection.")
def gameoutput(result, col2):
# prints game and number in inventory in a tabular form
# result needs to be the result of a query with SELECT, inventory.owned
print("{0:<75s} {1}".format('Game', col2))
print("{0:<75s} {1}".format('----', '----'))
for game, owned in result:
print("{0:<75s} {1}".format(game.encode('utf-8'), owned))
print("{0:<75s} {1}".format('----', '----'))
if isinstance(result[0][1], int):
print("{0:<75s} {1}".format('Total', sum([pair[1] for pair in result])))
def player_search(upc):
query = "SElECT playerid FROM players WHERE upc = {upc}".format(upc = upc)
playerid = c.fetchone()[0]
return playerid
def inventory(upc):
global menu_select
if upc == "": # allows the user to press enter without any command or UPC
elif upc[0] == '/': # signifies user is going to use a function
bggid = []
name_upcindex = []
name_upcitemdb = []
bggid = upc_search(upc) # see if UPC is already in the db
if bggid: # if it is, get the name of the game and go to add_game function
bggid = bggid[0]
name = get_name(bggid)
add_game(c, bggid, name, upc)
else: # if the UPC isn't in the database, search online for the UPC
# # Search upcindex
# try:
# name_upcindex = scan_upcindex(upc)
# for game in name_upcindex:
# bggid = get_bggid_from_name(game)
# print(game)
# print(bggid)
# if bggid:
# bgname = game
# break
# except TypeError:
# print("Game not found on UPCindex")
# name_upcindex = []
# except urllib2.HTTPError:
# print("UPCIndex HTTP Error 403: Forbidden")
# name_upcindex = []
# If doesn't find it on upcindex, search UPCitemdb
name_upcitemdb = scan_upcitemdb(upc)
if not bggid and name_upcitemdb:
for game in name_upcitemdb:
bggid = get_bggid_from_name(game)
if bggid:
bgname = game
except IndexError:
print("Does not exist in UPCitemdb")
name_upcitemdb = []
except urllib2.HTTPError:
print("UPCitemdb HTTP Error")
name_upcitemdb = []
# to do time n space doesnt work
## If still doesn't find it, start removing:
if not bggid and (name_upcindex or name_upcitemdb):
print("Unable to find in UPCIndex and UPCitemdb. Altering Name.")
for name in name_upcindex + name_upcitemdb:
bggid = get_bggid_from_name(name)
if bggid: # found game
bgname = name
if not bggid:
user_input = str(raw_input( "Unable to find this game. Please type name: "))
bggid = user_search(user_input)
print("bggid: " + str(bggid))
if bggid:
bgname = get_name(bggid)
add_game(c, bggid, bgname, upc)
def main_menu():
global menu_select
print("Menu Options: ")
i = 1
for items in menu:
print(str(i) + " : " + items)
i += 1
menu_select = raw_input("Select The Number of The Menu Option You Want [Default: 1]: ") or "1"
return menu_select
def commands(upc):
# to do: add command to add player
if upc == '/undo':
if bggid:
undo(bggid, name)
bggid = []
name = ""
print("No game to undo. Note: You can only undo the previous (1) game.")
elif upc == '/showall':
query = """SELECT, inventory.owned
FROM games
INNER JOIN inventory ON games.bggid = inventory.bggid
result = c.fetchall()
gameoutput(result, "Number Owned")
elif upc[0:7] == '/search':
upc = upc.lstrip('/search ')
query = """SELECT, inventory.owned
FROM games
INNER JOIN inventory ON games.bggid = inventory.bggid
WHERE LIKE '%{nm}%'
ORDER BY""".format(nm = upc)
result = c.fetchall()
if result:
gameoutput(result, "Number Onwed")
print("'{gm}' was not found in your inventory.".format(gm = upc))
elif upc[0:5] == '/last':
upc = upc.lstrip('/last ')
query = """SELECT,
FROM games
INNER JOIN inventory ON games.bggid = inventory.bggid
ORDER BY desc LIMIT {num}""".format(num=upc)
result = c.fetchall()
if result:
gameoutput(result, "Date Updated")
print("Wrong syntax. To see the last X games added, use: /last 5")
elif upc[0:5] == "/exit":
elif upc[0:10] == "/addplayer":
upc = raw_input("Enter UPC: ")
firstname = raw_input("First Name: ")
lastname = raw_input("Last Name: ")
query = "INSERT INTO players (firstname, lastname, upc) VALUES ('{fn}', '{ln}', '{upc}')".format(fn = firstname, ln = lastname, upc = upc)
print("Invalid syntax. Type '/help'.")
def playercommands(upc):
if upc[0:7] == "/search":
upc = upc.lstrip("/search ")
query = "SELECT FROM games INNER JOIN checking ON games.bggid = checking.bggid INNER JOIN players ON players.playerid = checking.playerid WHERE checking.checkin = 0 AND players.upc = {upc}".format(upc = upc)
result = c.fetchall()
query = "SELECT firstname FROM players WHERE upc = {upc}".format(upc = upc)
name = c.fetchone()[0]
print("{name} has the following checked out: ".format(name = name))
for game in result:
print("Invalid function.")
def checking(c, upc):
# to do: add undo function
if upc == "":
if upc[0] == '/':
# search UPC in inventory table.
bggid = upc_search(upc)
if bggid: # game is in inventory.
bggid = bggid[0]
upc = raw_input("Scan Player Badge: ")
playerid = player_search(upc)
if playerid: # player is in the player table
# check to see if the player has that game checked out
query = "SELECT checkingid FROM checking WHERE checkin = 0 AND playerid = {pi} AND bggid = {bi}".format(pi = playerid, bi = bggid)
checkingid = c.fetchone()
if checkingid: # the user has that game checked out
checkin(bggid, playerid, checkingid[0])
else: # that user doesn't have that game checked out
checkout(bggid, playerid)
playerid = player_search(upc)
if playerid:
upc = raw_input('Scan Board Game: ')
bggid = upc_search(upc)
if bggid:
bggid = bggid[0]
query = "SELECT checkingid FROM checking WHERE checkin = 0 AND playerid = {pi} AND bggid = {bi}".format(pi = playerid, bi = bggid)
checkingid = c.fetchone()
if checkingid: # the user has that game checked out
checkingid = checkingid[0]
checkin(bggid, playerid, checkingid)
else: # that user doesn't have that game checked out
checkout(bggid, playerid)
# to do: check to make sure user doesn't already have the game checked out before checking in
def checkin(bggid, playerid, checkingid):
# to do: make sure the game is checked out before checking it in
num = numcheckedout(bggid)
query = "UPDATE checking SET checkin = now() WHERE checkingid = {ci}".format(ci = checkingid)
query = "UPDATE inventory SET numcheckedout = {num} WHERE bggid = {bggid}".format(num = int(num)-1, bggid = bggid)
# conn.commit()
gamename = get_name(bggid)
print("Checked in {gamename}".format(gamename = gamename))
def checkout(bggid, playerid):
# to do: make sure player doesn'thave a game checked out already (select checkingid where checkin = 0 and playerid =)
# to do: add override command to allow a player to have multiple games checked out
num = numcheckedout(bggid)
query = "UPDATE inventory SET numcheckedout = {num} WHERE bggid = {bggid}".format(num = int(num)+1, bggid = bggid)
query = "INSERT INTO checking (checkout, playerid, bggid) VALUES (NOW(), {pi}, {bi})".format(pi = playerid, bi = bggid)
gamename = get_name(bggid)
print("Checked out {name} to player".format(name = gamename))
# conn.commit()
def numcheckedout(bggid):
query = "SELECT numcheckedout FROM inventory WHERE bggid = {bi}".format(bi = bggid)
numcheckedout = c.fetchone()[0]
return numcheckedout
# Connect to the database
conn = mysql.connector.connect(user='<user>', password='<password>', host='<ipaddress>', database='<databasename>')
c = conn.cursor()
bggid = []
name = ""
menu = ["Inventory", "Check In/Out"] # Inventory = 1, Check In = 2
while True:
upc = raw_input('[{menu}] Scan UPC or enter command: '.format(menu = menu[int(menu_select)-1]))
upc = upc.lstrip('0')
except SyntaxError:
print("Null UPC")
if menu_select == "1":
elif menu_select == "2":
# TO DO some games might have more than one UPC. Update database and code to be able to handle this.
# to do: when listing games, after more info add exit
''' To do: Games that don't work
ascension chronlic of the godslayer (lots come up, not sure which)
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