
mysql example db ui (snippet)

Article Outline

Python mysql example 'db ui'

Modules used in program:

  • import datetime

python db ui

Python mysql example: db ui

import datetime

class DatabaseUIBase(object):
    ''' Base class for ex5 UIs '''
    def __init__(self, db, msg):
        ''' Create a UI object and call the mainUI '''
        self.db = db
        print('-' * 10)

    def __add_entry(self, table):
        ''' Add an entry to the table '''
        # Get the column names
        columns = self.db.get_columns(table)
        values = ['' for col in columns]
        print('Please enter the following details:')
        for index, column in enumerate(columns):
            # If the column type is a date
            if column[1] == 10:
                print('Please enter date in the following format: DD.MM.YYYY')
            values[index] = raw_input('%s: ' % str(column[0]))
            # If the column type is a date
            if column[1] == 10:
                    # Try to parse values and create a datetime object
                    day, mnt, year = values[index].split('.')
                    values[index] = datetime.datetime(int(year), int(mnt), int(day))
                except (TypeError, ValueError):
                    # If the user didn't follow the format, present an erro an send default values
                    print("Error in date format, inserting '1'.'1'.'1' as date")
                    values[index] = datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1)
            self.db.insert(table, [i[0] for i in columns], values)
        except ValueError, e:
            print('Error: %s' % str(e))
        print('Inserted the follwoing entry into %s:' % str(table))
        print(' | '.join([str(val) for val in values]))

    def __print_columns(self, table):
        ''' Print the columns of a table '''
        columns = ['#'] + self.db.get_column_names(table)
        print(' | '.join(columns))

    def __print_results(self, table, enumerator):
        ''' Print a query result in a nice form '''
        # Print the columns of the table
        cnt = 0
        # Print each entry in a formatted line
        for index, entry in enumerator:
            entry = [str(val) for val in entry]
            print(('%d | ' % (index + 1)) + ' | '.join(entry))
            cnt += 1
        # Display the amount of entries found
        print('%d results found.' % cnt)

    def __print_table(self, table):
        ''' Print a table '''
        table_enum = enumerate(self.db.iter_entries(table))
        self.__print_results(table, table_enum)