
mysql example dbcopier (snippet)

Article Outline

Python mysql example 'dbcopier'

Functions in program:

  • def get_dbcopy():
  • def combine_files(self,file1,file2):

Modules used in program:

  • import getpass
  • import time
  • import os
  • import ConfigParser

python dbcopier

Python mysql example: dbcopier

#!/usr/bin/env python
import ConfigParser
import os
import time
import getpass

def combine_files(self,file1,file2):
    with open('file1', 'w') as outfile:
            with open(file2) as infile:
                for line in infile:

def get_dbcopy():

    script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))    

    print("Enter origin database user:")
    origin_user = raw_input()

    print("Enter origin database password: (Password will not be visible)")
    origin_password = getpass.getpass()

    print("Enter origin database host:")
    origin_host = raw_input()

    print("Enter origin database: (Which database to dump")
    origin_database = raw_input()

    print("Enter destination database user:")
    dest_user = raw_input()

    print("Enter destination database password: (Password will not be visible)")
    dest_password = getpass.getpass()

    print("Enter destination database host: (leave blank for same host)")
    dest_host = raw_input()
    if(not dest_host):
        dest_host = origin_host

    print("Enter destination database name:")
    dest_database = raw_input()

    print("Include routines? y/n (leave blank for y)")
    include_routines = raw_input()

    if(not include_routines):
        include_routines = "y"

    filestamp = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%I:%M')
    dump_file = script_dir+"/"+origin_database+"_"+filestamp+".sql"
    if(include_routines.lower() == "y" or include_routines == ''):
        os.popen("mysqldump -u %s --password%s -h %s --default-character-set=utf8 --routines --ignore-table=%s.log %s --result-file $s" % (origin_user,password,origin_host,origin_database,origin_database,dump_file))
        os.popen("mysqldump -u %s --password%s -h %s --default-character-set=utf8 --ignore-table=%s.log %s --result-file $s" % (origin_user,origin_password,origin_host,origin_database,origin_database,dump_file))

    print("\n-- The dump file has been created @ "+dump_file+" --")

    sql_update_file = script_dir+"/"+database+"_updates.sql";

    #if sql_update_file exists combine with sql dump file
        print("\n-- combing the dump file with: "+sql_update_file)

    #import mysql dump file
    os.popoen("mysql -u %s --password%s -h %s --default-character-set=utf8 %s < %s" % (dest_user,dest_password,dest_host,dest_database,dump_file))

if __name__=="__main__":