Article Outline
Python mysql example 'ex43 game'
Modules used in program:
import random
python ex43 game
Python mysql example: ex43 game
# LPTHW Exercise 43
import random
""" This module contains classes which denote the Game and individual rooms of the game."""
class Game(object):
This class represents the Game. It is what you would expect in a game
This game consists of rooms. You can do different things in each room.
The Game class holds references to various room objects and also
provides a base set of game commands to query the current room, navigate
among rooms, etc. Each room is expected to have it's own set of commands
and a help command which will list all other commands.
def __init__(self):
# Add commands and their help text to a dict
self.cmds = {}
self.cmds["rooms"] = "Prints the list of available rooms"
self.cmds["room"] = "Print the name of the current room. If followed by an argument then user will be taken to that room"
self.cmds["help"] = "Lists all the commands"
self.cmds["quit"] = "Quit the game"
# set room names along with their object instances in a dict
self._rooms = {}
self._rooms['SpacedRepitition'] = SpacedRepitition(self)
# set the current room
self.current_room = None
#A placeholder list of commands representing that no command has been issued
self._nocmd = ["nocmd"]
def start(self):
Starts the game and provides an input prompt to the user to enter commands
print("Welcome to this wonderful game of self development!")
print("Please enter your command at the prompt below. Type 'help' to get assistance.")
#The main loop of the game
cmd = raw_input("> ")
args = cmd.split(' ')
while args != None and len(args) > 0 and args[0] in self.cmds:
cmd_func = getattr(self, args[0])
# A command could return a list of arguments which may signify
# the next command to execute
args = cmd_func(args)
if args == None:
print("You did not enter a command")
elif len(args) == 0:
#Control will usually come here because it came out of the inner while loop
print("You did not enter a command")
elif args == self._nocmd:
print("Unknown command '" + args[0] + "'" )
def help(self, args):
A function for the 'help' command
for cmd in self.cmds:
print(cmd + " - " + self.cmds[cmd])
return self._nocmd
def rooms(self, args):
A function for the 'rooms' command
print("Rooms available in this game are:")
count = 0
for room in self._rooms:
count += 1
print("%d. %s" % (count, room))
return self._nocmd
def room(self, args):
A function for the 'room' command
if(len(args) > 1):
# User seems to be indicating that they want to enter a room
room_name = args[1]
if room_name in self._rooms:
room_obj = self._rooms[room_name]
self.current_room = room_name
args = room_obj.enter()
return args
print("Sorry, we could not find a room by that name '%s'" % room_name)
# User wants to know which room they are in
#we need to provide hallway as a default room
if self.current_room == None:
print("You are in the hallway, and have not yet entered a room.")
print("You are in '%s'" % self.current_room)
return self._nocmd
def quit(self, args):
A function for the 'quit' command
print("Thank you for playing with us, have a wonderful day !")
def has_cmd(self, the_cmd):
Determines if this class supports the specified command.
Returns True if it does and False otherwise
if(the_cmd in self.cmds):
return True
return False
class SpacedRepitition(object):
Class to represent the SpacedRepitition room
def __init__(self, _game):
Requires an object of type Game. This represents the game within which this room is operating.
""" = _game
# Add commands available in this room along with their help text
self.cmds = {}
self.cmds["help"] = "Lists all the commands"
self.cmds["topic"] = "Prints the current topic. If followed by an argument then the user will be switched to that topic"
self.cmds["topics"] = "Prints the list of available topics"
self.cmds["question"] = "Request to ask a question"
# Import all the files in which we have questions for various topics
import java_questions
import version_control_questions
import javascript_questions
import linux_questions
import mysql_questions
import misc_questions
import php_questions
import vim_questions
from question import Question
#Adds topics to this room. Right now the questions for each topic come
#from a separate python file.
self._topics = {
# Set the current topic
self._current_topic = None
def enter(self):
Signifies that a user has entered this room. All the commands of this
room will now be available to the user
# TODO: The room name should come from a static property which should also be accessed from the Game class
print("Welcome to the '%s' room" % "SpacedRepitition")
# The main loop of this room
cmd = raw_input("SpacedRepitition > ")
args = cmd.split(' ')
if(args[0] in self.cmds):
# We first see if the command is available in this room. If it is
# then we will invoke the function which represents the command
cmd_func = getattr(self, args[0])
# Next we check if it is available in the game. If it is then
# we will return the arguments to the game, so it may invoke
# the command as it sees fit
return args
print("Unknown command '" + args[0] + "'")
def topics(self, args):
A function for the 'topics' command
print("The following topics are available")
count = 0
for topic in self._topics:
count += 1
print("%d. %s" % (count, topic))
def topic(self, args):
A function for the 'topic' command
if(len(args) > 1):
topic_name = args[1]
if topic_name in self._topics:
self._current_topic = topic_name
print("You will now be asked questions from the following topic %s." % self._current_topic)
print("Please use the 'question' command to request a question.")
print("Sorry, we could not find a topic by that name '%s'" % topic_name)
#we need to provide hallway as a default room
if self._current_topic == None:
print("You have not selected any topic.")
print("You will be asked questions from the following topic '%s'" % self._current_topic)
def question(self, args):
A function for the 'question' command
if self._current_topic != None:
current_topic = self._topics[self._current_topic]
question_index = random.randint(0, len(self._topics[self._current_topic])-1)
the_question = current_topic[question_index]
print(the_question._question + "\n")
answer = raw_input("Please type your answer >")
print("\nThe correct answer is printed on the line below. Please compare it with what you typed.....")
print("Please select a topic first.")
def help(self, args):
A function for the 'help' command
print("Commands available from all rooms")
print("\nCommands available in this room")
for cmd in self.cmds:
print("%s - %s" % (cmd, self.cmds[cmd]))
#=================== main ============================
if(__name__ == "__main__"):
game = Game()
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