
mysql example mysql2cassandra (snippet)

Article Outline

Python mysql example 'mysql2cassandra'

Functions in program:

  • def cassandra_import(colnames, f, delim):
  • def mysql_dump(colnames, q, f, delim):
  • def cf_cast(cfmetadata, colname, value):
  • def init_cassandra(params, model):
  • def init_mysql(params):
  • def construct_query(colnames, table, criteria):
  • def process_choice():
  • def IsNotNull(value):

Modules used in program:

  • import MySQLdb, pycassa
  • import sys, csv

python mysql2cassandra

Python mysql example: mysql2cassandra

#! /usr/bin/env python

# mysql2cassandra.py
#   Dump a MySQL result set to file and then import into a Cassandra column family
# Configuration
#   mysql_params        [host, port, user, password, db]        MySQL conenction parameters
#   mysql_columns        [colname, colname2, ...]                Columns for building MySQL query
#                                                                    The column that will hold values of the row key in the Cassandra column family must be first
#   mysql_table            'tablename'                                Table name for use in MySQL query
#   mysql_criteria        'WHERE col=val ...'                        Additional criteria when constructing MySQL query (without ending semicolon)
#   cassandra_params    [host, port, user, password]            Cassandra connection parameters
#   cassandra_model        [keyspace, column_family, row_key]        Cassandra keyspace/CF to insert into and which MySQL column name to use as the value of the row key
#    output_file            "/path/to/data.csv"                        Path in which to save the result set dump to
#    validation            [0 | 1]                                    Disable or enable validation of data types before attempting to dump and import 
#                                                                    Prompts for specific changes will still be given
#    debug                [0 | 1]                                    Disable or enable debug information in STDOUT
# Validation
#    This step is recommended to be manually done, if necessary by a database administrator due to limitations in this script:
#        An example being that TINYINT(1) will be added as IntegerType rather than BooleanType
#    Attempts to modify or add metadata to the column family will take place if:
#        a column in the MySQL query is not present in the Cassandra column family
#        a column's data type in the MySQL table structure does not match the Cassandra column family
# Import process
#    The first column in the MySQL query will be used as the row key for each insertion into the Cassandra column family
#   If row values of columns in the MySQL resultset are empty, they will be omitted from the insert into the Cassandra column family
# Dependencies
#   mysqldb
#   pycassa

# Script configuration options

mysql_params = ['', 3306, '', '', '']
mysql_columns = ['id', 'server_ref', 'serverversion', 'systemtime', 'uptime', 'diskfreespace']
mysql_table = 'serverstatuses_history'
mysql_criteria = ''

cassandra_params = ['', 9160, '', '']
cassandra_model = ['demo', 'serverstatuses_history', 'server_ref']

output_file = "./mysql.csv"
validation = 1

debug = 1

import sys, csv
from distutils.util import strtobool
import MySQLdb, pycassa
from MySQLdb import cursors

# MySQL to Cassandra datatype mappings
datatype_map = {
    'bit': 'BooleanType',
    'tinyint': 'IntegerType',
    'smallint': 'IntegerType',
    'int': 'IntegerType',
    'mediumint': 'IntegerType',
    'bigint': 'LongType',
    'decimal': 'DecimalType',
    'float': 'FloatType',
    'double': 'DoubleType',
    'char': 'UTF8Type',
    'varchar': 'UTF8Type',
    'text': 'UTF8Type',
    'blob': 'BytesType',
    'timestamp': 'DateType',
    'datetime': 'DateType',
    'date': 'DateType',
    'time': 'UTF8Type',
    'year': 'UTF8Type'

# Utility functions
def IsNotNull(value):
    return value is not None and len(value) > 0

def process_choice():
    while True:
            choice = strtobool(raw_input())
        except ValueError:
            sys.stdout.write("What was that? [y/n] ")

    return choice

def construct_query(colnames, table, criteria):
    q = 'SELECT '+(', '.join(colnames))+' FROM '+table
    if IsNotNull(criteria): 
        q += ' '+criteria+';'
        q += ';'

    return q

# MySQL connection initialization
def init_mysql(params):
        mcon = MySQLdb.connect(host=params[0], port=params[1], user=params[2], passwd=params[3], db=params[4], use_unicode=True, cursorclass = MySQLdb.cursors.SSCursor)
        mcur = mcon.cursor()
    except MySQLdb.Error, e:
        print("Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0],e.args[1]))

    mcur.execute("SET NAMES 'utf8';")
    mcur.execute("SET @@NET_WRITE_TIMEOUT = 900;")
    return mcur, mcon

# Cassandra connection initialization
def init_cassandra(params, model):
    host = params[0]+':'+str(params[1])
    if IsNotNull(params[2]) and IsNotNull(params[3]):
        credentials = {'username': params[2], 'password': params[3]}
        credentials = None

    ccon = pycassa.pool.ConnectionPool(keyspace=model[0], server_list=[host], credentials=credentials)
    ccur = pycassa.ColumnFamily(ccon,model[1])
    csys = pycassa.system_manager.SystemManager(host)
    return ccur, csys, ccon

# Cassandra - Column metadata alteration
def    cf_alter_metadata(key, datatype):
    if cassandra_datatypes.get(key) is False:
        sys.stdout.write("[?] Add column '"+key+"' as data type '"+datatype+"'? [y/n] ")
        odatatype = cassandra_datatypes.get(key)
        sys.stdout.write("[?] Alter column '"+key+"' from data type '"+odatatype+"' to '"+datatype+"'? [y/n] ")

    choice = process_choice()
    if choice:
        csys.alter_column(cassandra_model[0], cassandra_model[1], key, datatype)

# cast a column value as the data type that matches its validator in the Cassandra column family
def cf_cast(cfmetadata, colname, value):
    validator = cfmetadata[colname]

    if validator == 'IntegerType':
        value = int(value)
    elif validator == 'FloatType' or validator == 'DoubleType':
        value = float(value)
    elif validator == 'BytesType':
        q = "SELECT character_set_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = '"+mysql_params[4]+"' AND table_name = '"+mysql_table+"' AND column_name = '"+colname+"';"
        charset = mcur.fetchone()
        value = bytesarray(value, charset[0])

    return value

# Write MySQL result set to CSV line by line
def mysql_dump(colnames, q, f, delim):
    print("[!] Executing MySQL query")

    file = open(f, 'w')
    writer = csv.writer(file, delimiter = delim, quotechar = '"', quoting = csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
    print("[!] Writing result set to file '"+output_file+"'")
    while True:
        # Get one record from result set
        row = mcur.fetchone()
        # If no records left, break loop
        if not row:

        # Write record to file in comma-delimited format


# Read CSV file line by line and insert into Cassandra column family
def cassandra_import(colnames, f, delim):
    rownum = 0
    file = open(f, 'r')
    reader = csv.reader(file, delimiter = delim, lineterminator = '\n')
    print("[!] Reading file and inserting records into Cassandra")
    # Read the CSV line by line
    for row in reader:
        coldat = dict()
        # Get the number of columns, excluding the row key
        colcount = len(colnames) - 1

        # Iterate each column, adding the column name-value pair to a dictionary
        for i in range(colcount):
            i += 1
            # Skip columns that are empty
            if IsNotNull(row[i]):
                # cast the type of the value for this column according to the column metadata
                colvar = cf_cast(cassandra_datatypes, colnames[i], row[i])
                coldat[colnames[i]] = colvar
                #print(row[0], colnames[i], row[i])

        # Insert the data into the Cassandra column family
            if debug == 1:
                print("[*] Inserted row with key "+row[0])
            print("[*] Failed to insert row with key "+row[0])

        rownum += 1

    return rownum

mcur, mcon = init_mysql(mysql_params)
ccur, csys, ccon = init_cassandra(cassandra_params, cassandra_model)

# Data type validation 
if validation:
    print("[!] Beginning data type validation")

    # Get the data types of the columns in the MySQL table
    q = "SELECT column_name, data_type FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = '"+mysql_params[4]+"' AND table_name = '"+mysql_table+"' AND column_name IN ("+(', '.join('"{0}"'.format(col) for col in mysql_columns))+");"
    mysql_datatypes = dict()
    for row in mcur:
        mysql_datatypes[row[0]] = row[1]

    if len(mysql_datatypes) != len(mysql_columns):
        print("[?] A number of given columns for MySQL table ("+mysql_table+") does not match information_schema result - you may have typo'd a column in the list")

    # Do the same for the Cassandra column family keys
    cassandra_datatypes = dict()
    cassandra_datatypes[mysql_columns[0]] = ccur.key_validation_class
    for key, val in ccur.column_validators.items():
        cassandra_datatypes[key] = val

    # If number of MySQL columns given do not match what is defined in the Cassandra column family metadata, ask the user if the script should alter the column family
    if len(cassandra_datatypes) != len(mysql_columns):
        print("[~] A number of MySQL columns specified do not match the number of column's defined in the Cassandra column family ("+cassandra_model[1]+") metadata")
        sys.stdout.write("[?] Determine the missing column metadata and modify the column family? (a prompt will be given before each addition) [y/n] ")
        choice = process_choice()
        if choice:
            for mkey, mtype in mysql_datatypes.items():
                if cassandra_datatypes.get(mkey) is False:
                    cf_alter_metadata(mkey, mtype)

    # If the data types between MySQL and Cassandra columns do not match, ask the user if the script should modify their definitions
    metadata_changes = dict()
    for mkey, mtype in mysql_datatypes.items():
        # Don't check the key row key data type
        if mkey != mysql_columns[0]:
            if datatype_map.get(mtype) != cassandra_datatypes.get(mkey):
                metadata_changes[mkey] = datatype_map.get(mtype)

    if len(metadata_changes) > 0:
        print("[~] Some Cassandra column metadata have been determined to be an inappropriate match, given the MySQL columns' datatypes")
        sys.stdout.write("[?] Review the Cassandra columns that are proposed to have their data types changed? [y/n] ")
        choice = process_choice()
        if choice:
            for key, type in metadata_changes.items():
                cf_alter_metadata(key, type)

mysql_query = construct_query(mysql_columns, mysql_table, mysql_criteria)
print("[~] Below is the MySQL query constructed from the given configuration:")
sys.stdout.write("[?] Is this correct? [y/n] ")
choice = process_choice()
if choice is False:

print("[!] Working... this may take awhile!\n")

# Stream MySQL result set to file
mysql_dump(mysql_columns, mysql_query, output_file, ',')
print("[!] Completed MySQL dump")

# Import dump into Cassandra row by row 
insertions = cassandra_import(mysql_columns, output_file, ',')
print("[!] Completed Cassandra import ("+str(insertions)+" rows processed)")
