
mysql example parse functions (snippet)

Article Outline

Python mysql example 'parse functions'

Functions in program:

  • def stashTaggedUsers(internal_owner_id, instagram_account_handle, post_id, users_to_tag, cursor, cnx):
  • def clearAssociatedPosts(internal_owner_id, instagram_account_handle, cursor, cnx):
  • def clearExpiredLinks(cursor, cnx):
  • def uploadToS3(internal_owner_id, image_name):

python parse functions

Python mysql example: parse functions

# manage transfer to S3
def uploadToS3(internal_owner_id, image_name):
    import boto3

    s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
    data = open('../tmp/' + image_name, 'rb')
    s3.Bucket('soso.social').put_object(Key=str(internal_owner_id) + '/' + image_name, Body=data, ContentType='image/jpg')

# keep your workplace clean
def clearExpiredLinks(cursor, cnx):
        delete_expired = ("DELETE FROM planolyurls WHERE created_at < NOW() - INTERVAL 46 HOUR")
    except mysql.connector.Error as err:
        print("Something went wrong: {}".format(err))

# bandaid fix, delete all and reupload fresh
def clearAssociatedPosts(internal_owner_id, instagram_account_handle, cursor, cnx):
        delete_posts = ("DELETE FROM posts WHERE internal_owner_id = %s AND instagram_account_handle = %s")
        delete_tags = ("DELETE FROM tags WHERE internal_owner_id = %s AND instagram_account_handle = %s")
        cursor.execute(delete_posts, (internal_owner_id, instagram_account_handle,))
        cursor.execute(delete_tags, (internal_owner_id, instagram_account_handle,))
    except mysql.connector.Error as err:
        print("Something went wrong: {}".format(err))

def stashTaggedUsers(internal_owner_id, instagram_account_handle, post_id, users_to_tag, cursor, cnx):
    for instagram_account_handle_to_tag in users_to_tag:
        insert = ("INSERT INTO tags SET internal_owner_id = %s, instagram_account_handle = %s, post_id = %s, instagram_account_handle_to_tag = %s, created_at = NOW()")
        cursor.execute(insert, (internal_owner_id, instagram_account_handle, post_id, instagram_account_handle_to_tag))