
mysql example py tabula working (snippet)

Article Outline

Python mysql example 'py tabula working'

Modules used in program:

  • import pandas as pd
  • import os
  • import tabula

python py tabula working

Python mysql example: py tabula working

import tabula
import os
from tabula import read_pdf
import pandas as pd

#expected_csv = 'C:\Users\abhishek chandel\python program\x.csv'
df =tabula.read_pdf('C:\ghr.pdf', encoding="cp932",pages="all", multiple_tables=True)

Regional_data = df[0]
FREQ = pd.DataFrame(df[1])
PSPS = pd.DataFrame(df[2])
ICTE = pd.DataFrame(df[3])
IER =  pd.DataFrame(df[4])
GEN_OUT = pd.DataFrame(df[5])
SOURCE_GEN = pd.DataFrame(df[6])

#now that we have PSPS we want to improve this file
for x in range (3,42):
 states = PSPS[1][x]