Article Outline
Python pil example 'Django-Jcrop-form'
Functions in program:
def img_edit_view(request):
Modules used in program:
import Image as pil
python Django-Jcrop-form
Python pil example: Django-Jcrop-form
Django Jcrop form
Author: Markus Thielen, mt[aaTt]
Comment: MicFan, fanlinsheng{AATT}
= Description =
Implements a Django form that integrates image uploading plus cropping using
the awesome Jcrop plugin (
It does not create or use any models, so to use it, simply copy it to
your project tree and import it as appropriate.
= License =
= Documention =
= Install =
sudo apt-get build-dep python-imaging
sudo apt-get install python-dev
wget -q -O - | sudo bash
sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/
sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/
sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/
pip install -I PIL
version 1.1.7
platform linux2 2.7.4 (default, Apr 19 2013, 18:32:33)
[GCC 4.7.3]
*** TKINTER support not available (Tcl/Tk 8.5 libraries needed)
--- JPEG support available
*** ZLIB (PNG/ZIP) support not available
--- FREETYPE2 support available
*** LITTLECMS support not available
= Limitations =
Many, probably ;-) It does basically work but lacks proper error handling.
If you upload something that is not an image, no error is dispayed.
I hope I find the time to fix this. If you have a hint, I'd be grateful if you
dropped me a note.
= Usage =
In your, import JcropForm.
The view function that displays the form has three parts (or control flows):
* if request is POSTed but contains no uploaded files, crop coordinates
were submitted. Use JcropForm's crop/resize/save methods to apply.
* if request was posted with file data, the user just uploaded a new
image. Use JcropForm's static method prepare_uploaded_img to scale the
image to a reasonable size (that does not break your layout) and save it
* for normal GET requests just display the form with the current image.
Example view function:
@login_required # the view func expects a logged on user
def img_edit_view(request):
# get the profile (i.e. the model containing the image to edit);
# In this example, the model in question is the user profile model,
# so we can use Django's get_profile() method.
profile = request.user.get_profile()
# define a fixed aspect ratio for the user image
aspect = 105.0 / 75.0
# the final size of the user image
final_size = (105, 75)
if request.method == "POST" and len(request.FILES) == 0:
# user submitted form with crop coordinates
form = JcropForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
# apply cropping
# redirect to profile display page
return HttpResponseRedirect("/myprofile/")
elif request.method == "POST" and len(request.FILES):
# user uploaded a new image; save it and make sure it is not too large
# for our layout
img_fn = JcropForm.prepare_uploaded_img(request.FILES, image_upload_to,
profile, (370, 500))
if img_fn:
# store new image in the member instance
profile.avatar = img_fn # 'avatar' is an ImageField
# redisplay the form with the new image; this is the same as for
# GET requests -> fall through to GET
elif request.method != "GET":
# only POST and GET, please
return HttpResponse(status=400)
# for GET requests, just display the form with current image
form = JcropForm(initial = { "imagefile": profile.avatar },
jcrop_options = {
"setSelect": "[100, 100, 50, 50]",
return render_to_response("profile/img_edit.html",
"form": form,
The template is the same as for normal Django forms, nothing special there.
This code is somehow inspired by,
although the original code did not work for me.
from django import forms
from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.utils.datastructures import MultiValueDictKeyError
import Image as pil
class JcropWidget(forms.Widget):
class Media:
# form media, i.e. CSS and JavaScript needed for Jcrop.
# You'll have to adopt these to your project's paths.
css = {
'all': (settings.MEDIA_URL + "css/jquery.Jcrop.css",)
js = (
settings.MEDIA_URL + "js/lib/jquery.Jcrop.min.js",
# fixed Jcrop options; to pass options to Jcrop, use the jcrop_options
# argument passed to the JcropForm constructor. See example above.
jcrop_options = {
"onSelect": "storeCoords",
"onChange": "storeCoords",
# HTML template for the widget.
# The widget is constructed from the following parts:
# * HTML <img> - the actual image used for displaying and cropping
# * HTML <label> and <input type="file> - used for uploading a new
# image
# * HTML <input type="hidden"> - to remember image path and filename
# * JS code - The JS code makes the image a Jcrop widget and
# registers an event handler for the <input type="file">
# widget. The event handler submits the form so the new
# image is sent to the server without the user having
# to press the submit button.
markup = """
<img id="jcrop-img" src="%(MEDIA_URL)s%(img_fn)s"/><br/>
<label for="new-img-file">Neues Bild hochladen:</label>
<input type="file" name="%(UPLOAD_IMG_ID)s" id="%(UPLOAD_IMG_ID)s"/>
<input type="hidden" name="imagefile" id="imagefile" value="%(imagefile)s"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
function storeCoords(c)
jQuery(function() {
var form = jQuery('#%(UPLOAD_IMG_ID)s').parents('form:first');
def __init__(self, attrs=None):
__init__ does nothing special for now
super(JcropWidget, self).__init__(attrs)
def add_jcrop_options(self, options):
add jcrop options; options is expected to be a dictionary of name/value
pairs that Jcrop understands;
for k, v in options.items():
self.jcrop_options[k] = v
def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):
render the Jcrop widget in HTML
# translate jcrop_options dictionary to JavaScipt
jcrop_options = "{";
for k, v in self.jcrop_options.items():
jcrop_options = jcrop_options + "%s: %s," % (k, v)
jcrop_options = jcrop_options + "}"
# fill in HTML markup string with actual data
output = self.markup % {
"MEDIA_URL": settings.MEDIA_URL,
"img_fn": str(value),
"jcrop_options": jcrop_options,
"imagefile": value,
return mark_safe(output)
class JcropForm(forms.Form):
Jcrop form class
imagefile = forms.Field(widget=JcropWidget(), label="", required=False)
x1 = forms.DecimalField(widget=forms.HiddenInput)
y1 = forms.DecimalField(widget=forms.HiddenInput)
x2 = forms.DecimalField(widget=forms.HiddenInput)
y2 = forms.DecimalField(widget=forms.HiddenInput)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
overridden init func; check for Jcrop options and remove them
from kwargs
# remove upload image post data (if present); this would make Django form
# code hick up (since there is no upload image widget in the control)...
post_data = args[0]
if UPLOAD_IMG_ID in post_data:
del post_data[UPLOAD_IMG_ID]
except (IndexError):
# no POST data passed; nothing todo anyway
jcrop_options = {}
if "jcrop_options" in kwargs:
jcrop_options = kwargs["jcrop_options"]
# call base class __init__
super(JcropForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# set Jcrop options for our crop widget
def clean_imagefile(self):
instantiate PIL image; raise ValidationError if field contains no image
self.img = + self.cleaned_data["imagefile"])
except IOError:
raise forms.ValidationError("Invalid image file")
return self.cleaned_data["imagefile"]
def is_valid(self):
checks if self._errors is empty; if so, self._errors is set to None and
full_clean() is called.
This is necessary since the base class' is_valid() method does
not populate cleaned_data if _errors is an empty ErrorDict (but not 'None').
I just failed to work this out by other means...
if self._errors is not None and len(self._errors) == 0:
self._errors = None
return super(JcropForm, self).is_valid()
def crop (self):
crop the image to the user supplied coordinates
self.img = self.img.crop((x1, y1, x2, y2))
def resize (self, dimensions, maintain_ratio=False):
resize image to dimensions passed in
if maintain_ratio:
self.img = self.img.thumbnail(dimensions, pil.ANTIALIAS)
self.img = self.img.resize(dimensions, pil.ANTIALIAS)
def save(self):
save image...
""" + self.cleaned_data['imagefile'])
def prepare_uploaded_img(files, upload_to, profile, max_display_size=None):
stores an uploaded image in the proper destination path and
optionally resizes it so it can be displayed properly.
Returns path and filename of the new image (without MEDIA_ROOT).
'upload_to' must be a function reference as expected by Django's
FileField object, i.e. a function that expects a profile instance
and a file name and that returns the final path and name for the
upload_file = files[UPLOAD_IMG_ID]
except MultiValueDictKeyError:
# files dict does not contain new image
return None
# copy image data to final file
fn = upload_to(profile,
pfn = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + fn
destination = open(pfn, 'wb+')
for chunk in upload_file.chunks():
if max_display_size:
# resize image if larger than specified
im =
if im.size[0] > max_display_size[0]:
# image is wider than allowed; resize it
im = im.resize((max_display_size[0],
im.size[1] * max_display_size[0] / im.size[0]),
if im.size[1] > max_display_size[1]:
# image is taller than allowed; resize it
im = im.resize((im.size[0] * max_display_size[1] / im.size[1],
im.size[1]), pil.ANTIALIAS)
return fn
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