Article Outline
Python pil example 'build'
Functions in program:
def load_image(filename):
def pil_to_tc(pilImage):
Modules used in program:
import os
import glob
import progressbar
import turicreate as tc
import the necessary packages
python build
Python pil example: build
import the necessary packages
from PIL import Image
import turicreate as tc
import progressbar
import glob
import os
def pil_to_tc(pilImage):
# grab the PIL image dimensions, convert the data into a byte
# array, and then build the turicreate image
(W, H) = pilImage.size[:2]
data = bytearray([b for a in pilImage.getdata() for b in a])
image = tc.Image(_image_data=data, _width=W, _height=H,
_channels=3, _format_enum=2, _image_data_size=len(data))
# return the turicreate image
return image
def load_image(filename):
pilImage =[INPUT_PATH,filename]))
image = pil_to_tc(pilImage)
return image
# initialize the input datasets
INPUT_PATH = "../vehicles"
# Load all the CSV files to a single SFrame
data = tc.SFrame.read_csv(os.path.sep.join([INPUT_PATH, "*.csv"]))
# Create the desired annotations in the format turicreate expects them - object's
# center coordinates plus height and width
data['x'] = (data['startX'] + data['endX']) / 2
data['y'] = (data['startY'] + data['endY']) / 2
data['width'] = data['endX'] - data['startX']
data['height'] = data['endY'] - data['startY']
# Pack the annotations into a dictionary
data = data.pack_columns(['x', 'y', 'width', 'height'], dtype=dict, new_column_name="coordinates")
data['type'] = 'rectangle'
data = data.pack_columns(['coordinates', 'type', 'label'], dtype=dict, new_column_name='annotations')
# Group all the annotation by the image path
final_data = data.groupby('imagePath', {'annotations': tc.aggregate.CONCAT('annotations')})
# Load the images themselves from the path
final_data['image'] = final_data['imagePath'].apply(load_image)
final_data = final_data.remove_column('imagePath')
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