
pil example check-followers (snippet)

Article Outline

Python pil example 'check-followers'

Functions in program:

  • def image_write(image, string, colour):
  • def checkBoth(old_list, new_list):
  • def inOther(name, list):
  • def get_followers(SCREEN_NAME, COUNT):
  • def log(text):

Modules used in program:

  • import random
  • import StringIO
  • import datetime
  • import time
  • import PIL
  • import os

python check-followers

Python pil example: check-followers

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#import os.path
import os
import PIL
from PIL import ImageFont
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageDraw
import time
import datetime
import StringIO
from twython import Twython
import random

global api
api = {
    'key'          : "API_KEY",
    'secret'       : "API_SECRET",
    'token'        : "ACCESS_TOKEN",
    'token_secret' : "ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET"

global twitter
twitter = Twython(

# let's make things fun by using randomly selected messages.
messages = {
    'lost' : [
        "You unfollowed me. My @Raspberry_Pi noticed.",
        "You unfollowed me. I don't appreciate that.",
        "Why did you unfollow me? Please fill in this survey: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?page=survey&resid=643D972B6E5A6AE7!8438&authkey=!ACGh2UHjtuL-xvk&ithint=file%2cxlsx"
    'new' : [
        "Thanks for following me. - This is an automated message sent from my @Raspberry_Pi.",
        "Thanks for following me. Yes, I did write a program to send this tweet.",
        "Thanks for following me. Check out the program that sent this tweet at: https://gist.github.com/MaxCampman/0a6e92911c206bb72232"

global message
message = {
    'lost' : "You unfollowed me. My @Raspberry_Pi noticed.",
    'new'  : "Thanks for following me. - This is an automated message sent from my @Raspberry_Pi."

# select the random message for 'lost' and 'new'.
message['lost'] = messages['lost'][random.randint(0, len(messages['lost']) - 1)]
message['new'] = messages['new'][random.randint(0, len(messages['new']) - 1)]

global theFile
theFile = "/home/pi/twitter/followers.txt"

def log(text):
    # log text to a file. used to save the result of the program
    logFile = open("/home/pi/twitter/followerLog.txt", "a")
    logFile.write(text + "\n")

def get_followers(SCREEN_NAME, COUNT):
    next_cursor = -1

    # get the list of twitter followers
    twitter_followers = twitter.get_followers_list(

    # create local variable followers and assign it to an empty array
    followers = []

    # get the list of followers and put them into the followers array
    for follower in twitter_followers["users"]:
        next_cursor = twitter_followers["next_cursor"]

    # return the array of followers
    return followers

# create the follower lists that are to be compared
global follower_list
follower_list = {
    'old' : [],
    'new' : []

# set current_followers to the list of current followers
follower_list['new'] = get_followers("MaxCampman", 200) # change MaxCampman to your screen name

# open/create the followers.txt file
follower_file = open(theFile, "a+")

# if the followers.txt file does not exist or is empty, write the array of followers into the file
if os.path.isfile(theFile) == False or os.stat(theFile)[6] == 0:
    # loop through the list of followers and write them to the text file
    for follower in follower_list['new']:
        follower_file.write(follower + "\n")

    print("Wrote to file")

    # save the updates that were made to the follower file

    # reopen the file so that it can be used again
    follower_file = open(theFile, "r+")

# take the information from the followers.txt file and put it into the list follower_list['old']
follower_list['old'] = follower_file.readlines()

x = len(follower_list['old'])

# remove the new line markers from the items in the follower_list['old'] array
for i in range(0, x):
    follower_list['old'][i] = follower_list['old'][i].rstrip()


# write the updated list of followers back into the followers.txt file
for follower in follower_list['new']:
    follower_file.write(follower + "\n")

print("Updated file")

# save the now updated file

def inOther(name, list):
    # check the name against all followers in the other list

    x = len(list)

    for i in range(0, x):
        # if found return True and position that it was found in
        if name == list[i]:
            return [True, i]

    # otherwise, return False
    return [False, -1]

def checkBoth(old_list, new_list):
    i = 0

    x = len(old_list)

    # go through list of old followers
    while i < x:
        isInOther = inOther(old_list[i], new_list)
        # if the name is in the other list ...
        if isInOther[0] == True:
            # ... delete it from both lists
            del old_list[i]
            del new_list[isInOther[1]]
            # set x to the new length of the old list
            x = len(old_list)
            i += 1

    # lists that are left are the unfollowers and followers respectively
    return [old_list, new_list]

def image_write(image, string, colour):
    # open the image
    img = Image.open(image)

    # select the font
    font = ImageFont.truetype("/home/pi/twitter/fonts/SourceCodePro-Semibold.ttf", 20)

    # prepare to draw on to the image
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)

    # draw the text 10 pixels across and 10 pixels down
        (10, 10),
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)

    image_io = StringIO.StringIO()

    img.save(image_io, format='PNG')

    return image_io

# checks to see if the list of followers has actually changed at all
if follower_list['new'] == follower_list['old']:
    print("No change.")
    # start log, showing the date and time of the program running
        time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") +
        "\n" + "========================" + "\n"

    # set change to returned lists of followers
    change = checkBoth(follower_list['old'], follower_list['new'])

    for unfollower in change[0]:
        # write to the image
        raspi_img = image_write(
            "@" + unfollower + " unfollowed @MaxCampman.",
            (255, 255, 255)

        # send the unfollower a message to let them know that you are on to them
            status="@" + unfollower + " " + message['lost'],

        # log the loss of a follower
        log("Lost follower: " + unfollower)

        # close the image

    for follower in change[1]:
        # write to the image
        raspi_img = image_write(
            "@" + follower + " followed @MaxCampman.",
            (255, 255, 255)

        # send the follower a friendly welcome message
            status="@" + follower + " " + message['new'],

        # log the gain of a follower
        log("New follower: " + follower)

        # close the image

# finish off log
log("\n" + "========================" + "\n\n")