
pil example crop images (snippet)

Article Outline

Python pil example 'crop images'

Modules used in program:

  • import glob
  • import sys
  • import os

python crop images

Python pil example: crop images

Script to crop dead space in images and save out coordinates in the file name.  Requires PIL to be installed:
python crop_images.py path/to/input/dir path/to/output/dir
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageOps
import os
import sys
import glob

if len(sys.argv) < 3:
  print("Not enough arguments. You need to supply a input and output directory")

inputDirectory = sys.argv[1]
outputDirectory = sys.argv[2]
processedFiles = 0

fileList = os.listdir(inputDirectory)
for fileName in fileList:
    if fileName.endswith(".png"):
        # load the image
        inputImage = Image.open(inputDirectory + "/" + fileName)
        # setup an alpha image to create a boundbox from
        alpha = inputImage.split()[-1]
        alphaImage = Image.merge("RGB", (alpha, alpha, alpha))
        bounds = alphaImage.getbbox()
        # crop and save the image
        cropped = inputImage.crop(bounds)
        outputSize = "(" + str(bounds[0]) + "," + str(bounds[1]) + "," + str(bounds[2] - bounds[0]) + "," + str(bounds[3] - bounds[1]) + ")"
        outputFilename = fileName.replace(".png", outputSize + ".png")
        cropped.save(outputDirectory + "/" + outputFilename)
        print("saving: " + outputDirectory + "/" + outputFilename)
        processedFiles += 1

if processedFiles == 0:
    print("No images were processed")
    print("Completed processing " + str(processedFiles) + " images")