
pil example desaturate (snippet)

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Python pil example 'desaturate'

python desaturate

Python pil example: desaturate

# You nearly always just need to import Image
# from PIL(low) to do what you need
from PIL import Image
# It's convenient to import everything from colorzero
# so you don't have to put "colorzero." before everything
from colorzero import *

# Load an image from the disk into the Pillow Image object
image = Image.open("abbey.jpg")

# Go across all the columns and down all the rows
# of the image
for x in range(image.width):
    for y in range(image.height):
        coord = (x, y)
        # For each coordinate, construct a Color object
        # from the pixel's RGB value
        rgb = image.getpixel(coord)
        pixel = Color(rgb)
        # Apply a 75% saturation to the colour and
        # give the new colour a new name
        desat = pixel * Saturation(0.75)
        # Apply that new colour to the same pixel
        # (you need to use .rgb_bytes to get the
        # 0-255 colours; if you just use .rgb, you'll
        # get RGB values between 0 and 1
        image.putpixel(coord, desat.rgb_bytes)

# Save the altered image under a new name