
pil example dir-img-resize (snippet)

Article Outline

Python pil example 'dir-img-resize'

Modules used in program:

  • import PIL
  • import fnmatch
  • import os
  • import os.path

python dir-img-resize

Python pil example: dir-img-resize

#Resizes an image and keeps aspect ratio. Set mywidth to the desired with in pixels.

import os.path
import os
import fnmatch
import PIL
from PIL import Image

mywidth = 400

if not os.path.exists('tn'):

listOfFiles = os.listdir('.')
pattern = "*.jpg"
for entry in listOfFiles:
    if fnmatch.fnmatch(entry, pattern):
        img = Image.open(entry)

        #Viewing EXIF data embedded in image
        exif_data = img._getexif()

        wpercent = (mywidth/float(img.size[0]))
        hsize = int((float(img.size[1])*float(wpercent)))
        img = img.resize((mywidth,hsize), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
        fl = 'tn/'+entry