
pil example gen thumb image (snippet)

Article Outline

Python pil example 'gen thumb image'

Functions in program:

  • def gen_thumb_image(path, width=0, height=0, filetype='JPEG'):

python gen thumb image

Python pil example: gen thumb image

from PIL import Image as ImagePIL

def gen_thumb_image(path, width=0, height=0, filetype='JPEG'):
    width = min(1024, width)
    height = min(1024, height)
    img = ImagePIL.open(path)
    if width and not height:
        height = float(width) / img.size[0] * img.size[1]
    if not width and height:
        width = float(height) / img.size[1] * img.size[0]
    stream = BytesIO()
    img.thumbnail((width, height), ImagePIL.ANTIALIAS)
    img.save(stream, format=filetype, optimize=True)
    return stream