Article Outline
Python pil example 'reflow'
Functions in program:
def drawFlow():
def keyChecker(event):
def onMouseClick(event):
python reflow
Python pil example: reflow
try: #imports needed modules
import PIL
from PIL import Image,ImageGrab
import pythoncom, pyHook
import os
import glob
print(('Something went wrong with importing modules.'))
hm = pyHook.HookManager() #Hook manager assigned to hm for readability
iterator = 0
toggle = False
draw = False
mousepos = None
capx = None
capy = None
capbox = None
def onMouseClick(event):
if toggle == False:
print(('Capture is off'))
return True #mouse stops working if this isn't true (???)
global iterator
global mousepos
global capx
global capy
global capbox
iterator = iterator + 1
mousepos = event.Position
capx, capy = mousepos
capbox = (capx - 200),(capy - 200),(capx + 200),(capy + 200)
PIL.ImageGrab.grab(bbox=capbox).save("screencache" + str(iterator) + ".jpg" )
return True
#Key toggle function
def keyChecker(event):
global toggle
global draw
if event.Key == 'Oem_3':
toggle = not toggle
if toggle == True:
print(('Capture is toggled on'))
print(('Capture is toggled off'))
return True
elif event.Key == 'F':
draw = not draw
print(('Draw is on'))
return True
elif event.Key == 'Escape':
else: print(('Ignoring keystroke:',event.Key))
return False
#Compiles images and draws them to flowchart
def drawFlow():
global draw
if draw == False:
return False
else: return None
hm.MouseLeftDown = onMouseClick #when LMB is clicked run onMouseClick
hm.KeyDown = keyChecker #pass onto function keyChecker if any key is down
hm.HookMouse() #initiate mouse hooking
hm.HookKeyboard() #initiate keyboard hooking
pythoncom.PumpMessages() #wait for user input
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