
pil example resizeImage (snippet)

Article Outline

Python pil example 'resizeImage'

Functions in program:

  • def resizeImage(srcfile, new_width=32, new_height=32):

Modules used in program:

  • import numpy as np

python resizeImage

Python pil example: resizeImage

from keras.preprocessing import image
from PIL import Image, ImageOps
import numpy as np

def resizeImage(srcfile, new_width=32, new_height=32):
    Resize and crop a image to desired resolution and return the 
    data as HWC format numpy array.
    srcfile: the source image file path.
    new_width: new desired width.
    new_height: new desired height.
    pil_image = Image.open(srcfile)
    pil_image = ImageOps.fit(pil_image, (new_width, new_height), Image.ANTIALIAS)
    pil_image_rgb = pil_image.convert('RGB')
    return np.asarray(pil_image_rgb).flatten()