
pil example sepia image processor (snippet)

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Python pil example 'sepia image processor'

python sepia image processor

Python pil example: sepia image processor

Adds a sepia filter processor for django-imagekit which
can be used in an imagekit specification.


See http://effbot.org/zone/pil-sepia.htm for the original
code for the sepia filtering in PIL

from PIL import ImageOps
from imagekit.processors import ImageProcessor

class Sepia(ImageProcessor):
        Turn image sepia
    def process(cls, img, fmt, obj):

        def make_linear_ramp(white):
            # putpalette expects [r,g,b,r,g,b,...]
            ramp = []
            r, g, b = white
            for i in range(255):
                ramp.extend((r*i/255, g*i/255, b*i/255))
            return ramp

        img = img.convert('RGB')
        sepia = make_linear_ramp((255, 240, 192))
        if img.mode != "L":
            img = img.convert("L")
        img = ImageOps.autocontrast(img)
        img = img.convert('RGB')
        fmt = "JPEG"
        return img, fmt