Article Outline
Python pil example 'text2png'
Functions in program:
def text2png(text, fullpath, color = "#000", bgcolor = "#FFF", fontfullpath = None, fontsize = 13, leftpadding = 3, rightpadding = 3, width = 200):
Modules used in program:
import PIL
python text2png
Python pil example: text2png
# coding=utf8
import PIL
from PIL import ImageFont
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageDraw
def text2png(text, fullpath, color = "#000", bgcolor = "#FFF", fontfullpath = None, fontsize = 13, leftpadding = 3, rightpadding = 3, width = 200):
#prepare linkback
linkback = "created via"
fontlinkback = ImageFont.truetype('font.ttf', 8)
linkbackx = fontlinkback.getsize(linkback)[0]
linkback_height = fontlinkback.getsize(linkback)[1]
#end of linkback
font = ImageFont.load_default() if fontfullpath == None else ImageFont.truetype(fontfullpath, fontsize)
text = text.replace('\n', NEWLINE_REPLACEMENT_STRING)
lines = []
line = u""
for word in text.split():
if word == REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER: #give a blank line
lines.append( line[1:] ) #slice the white space in the begining of the line
line = u""
lines.append( u"" ) #the blank line
elif font.getsize( line + ' ' + word )[0] <= (width - rightpadding - leftpadding):
line += ' ' + word
else: #start a new line
lines.append( line[1:] ) #slice the white space in the begining of the line
line = u""
#TODO: handle too long words at this point
line += ' ' + word #for now, assume no word alone can exceed the line width
if len(line) != 0:
lines.append( line[1:] ) #add the last line
line_height = font.getsize(text)[1]
img_height = line_height * (len(lines) + 1)
img ="RGBA", (width, img_height), bgcolor)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
y = 0
for line in lines:
draw.text( (leftpadding, y), line, color, font=font)
y += line_height
# add linkback at the bottom
draw.text( (width - linkbackx, img_height - linkback_height), linkback, color, font=fontlinkback)
#show time
text2png(u"This is\na\ntest şğıöç zaa xd ve lorem hipster", 'test.png', fontfullpath = "font.ttf")
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