
binary search (snippet)

Article Outline

Python example 'binary search'

Functions in program:

  • def binary_search(arr, f, l, v, sorted_ar = False):

Modules used in program:

  • import sys

Python beginners example: binary search

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import sys

# I'm too lazy to explain how it works, 
# instead check below sites out:
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_search_algorithm

# Make sure you know concept of Recursion

# Function explaination:
# ar is the array
# f is starting index for divided search array
# l is ending index for divided search array
# v is the query to search in array data space
# sorted_ar tells the func, if array is sorted or not
# as binary search won't work on an un-sorted array

def binary_search(arr, f, l, v, sorted_ar = False):
    # need an ordered/sorted array for search, 
    # else search won't produce desirable results
    if not sorted_ar:

    # If input is invalid
    if l - f < 0:
        return -1

        # Index of mid-term of array[f:l+1]
        mid_element_i = (f + l) // 2

        # If mid-term matches the query
        if arr[mid_element_i] == v:
            return mid_element_i

        # If query is bigger than that mid-term
        # then we'll look at next_half of array
        elif v > arr[mid_element_i]:
            return binary_search(arr, mid_element_i+1, l, v, True)

        # else query is smaller than mid-term 
        # so we'll look at lesser half of array
            return binary_search(arr, f, mid_element_i-1, v, True)

# Tests
# Add your tests
# Arrays below are not sorted or are un-ordered
# Index returned by function is for sorted array
# thus index might differ for same element, array below and in sorted array!
tests = [
    [10, 29, 38, 47, 56, 19, 28, 37, 46, 50],
    [1, 92, 83, 74, 65, 29, 84, 75],
    [1, 21, 32, 43, 54, 65, 79],
    [7, 7],

# Play as long as you can
# Searches query in all of arrays in tests
i = 0
while True:
    if raw_input("\n[%i] Exit(press e) or Continue(press c): " % i) == "e":
    q = int(raw_input("\nSearch?: "))
    for test in tests:
        find_i = binary_search(test, 0, len(test) - 1, q, False)    
        if test[find_i] == q:
            print("  Found [{}] at index({}) in array({})".format(q, find_i, tests.index(test) + 1))
            # else is executed means, 
            # something is wrong with the algorithm
            print("  No results for [{}] in array({}). Try another search!".format(q, tests.index(test) + 1))
    i += 1