
binary to decimal converter (snippet)

Article Outline

Python example 'binary to decimal converter'

Functions in program:

  • def binary_to_decimal_conv(binary_string):

Modules used in program:

  • import sys

binary to decimal converter

Python beginners example: binary to decimal converter

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import sys

# Binary to decimal conversion
# See explaination: https://i.imgur.com/heAT0PB.gif   , 
# https://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/binary/bin_2.html

# Pesudo code:
# Iterate through binary num
# if 0 then pass
# else result = result + bit(1) * 2 ** index of bit(1)

def binary_to_decimal_conv(binary_string):
    res = 0
    binary_l = list(binary_string)
    for bit_i in range(len(binary_l)):
        res += int(binary_l[bit_i]) * (2 ** bit_i) 
    return res 

# Test
# Testing interface
i = 0
while True:
    if raw_input("\n[{}] Exit(press e) or Continue(press c): ".format(i)).strip().lower() == "c":
        print("Decimal form: " + str(binary_to_decimal_conv(raw_input("\nBinary?: "))))
        print("\nHope you enjoyed!")
    i += 1