
compare array elements (snippet)

Article Outline

Python example 'compare array elements'

Functions in program:

  • def compare_array_elements(arr1, arr2):

compare array elements

Python beginners example: compare array elements

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Compares elements at same 
# index in 2 different arrays
# and so called generates tuple of 
# that value, index, array number
# however if both numbers are equal
# returns zero simply

# Prime condition for correct results
# length(arr1) == length(arr2)

def compare_array_elements(arr1, arr2):
    for l in range(len(arr1)):
        if arr1[l] > arr2[l]:
            yield (arr1[l], l, 1)
        elif arr1[l] < arr2[l]:
            yield (arr2[l], l, 2)

# Tests
tests = [
        [21, 3454, 12, 77, 21, 90, 235],
        [123, 54, 21, 7, 23, 987, 21312]

        [1223, 8273, 17732, 7127],
        [12989, 2131223, 129, 10]

# Does not test last condition of function
for test in tests:
    for n, index, array_n in compare_array_elements(test[0], test[1]):
        print("  [ %i ] is biggest value at index(%i) from array(%i)" %(n, index, array_n))