Article Outline
Python example 'insertion sort'. This is a demo of the insertion sorting algorithm in Python.
Functions in program:
def sort_(arr,temporary=False,reverse=False):
insertion sort
Python beginners example: insertion sort
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Insertion Sort
# Ideal sorting algorithm for
# small/small-medium data/array
# temporary parameter tells
# function to sort a copy of
# orignal array, and not the array itself
# reverse parameter tells func
# to sort array in reverse/decending
# order
def sort_(arr,temporary=False,reverse=False):
# Making copy of array if temporary is true
if temporary:
ar = arr[:]
ar = arr
# To blend every element
# in correct position
# length of total array is required
length = len(ar)
# After each iteration left-most
# sub-array is completed sorted
for i in range(1,length):
# In each iteration we place
# the current element to its
# proper position in left sorted
# sub array
tmp = ar[i]
j = i-1
if reverse:
while j>=0 and tmp>ar[j]:
while j>=0 and tmp<ar[j]:
# if temporary, then returning
# copied arr's sorted form
# cuz if not returned, then function
# is literally of no use
if temporary:
return ar
# See proper explaination
# at:
# Testing
tests = [[7, 8, 9, 6, 4, 5, 3, 2, 1, 15], [1, 90, 1110, 1312, 1110, 98, 76, 54, 32, 10], ] # Add your test cases
for test in tests:
accend, decend = sort_(test, True), sort_(test, True, True)
if accend == sorted(test) and decend == sorted(test, reverse = True):
print("Orignal: {}".format(test))
print("Sorted: {}".format(accend))
print("Sorted(reverse): {}\n".format(decend))
print("Something went wrong!\n")
# Seems our insertion sort works
# however for small/small-medium data/array!
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