
pyqt example NinePatch (snippet)

Article Outline

Python pyqt (gui) example 'NinePatch'


Python pyqt example: NinePatch

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Created on 2018年10月25日
@author: Irony
@site: https://pyqt5.com , https://github.com/892768447
@email: [email protected]
@file: NinePatch
from math import fabs

from PyQt5.QtCore import QRect
from PyQt5.QtGui import QImage, QColor, QPainter, qRed, qGreen, qBlue, qAlpha

__Author__ = """By: Irony
QQ: 892768447
Email: [email protected]"""
__Copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2018 Irony"
__Version__ = "Version 1.0"

class _Exception(Exception):

    def __init__(self, imgW, imgH):
        self.imgW = imgW
        self.imgH = imgH

class NinePatchException(Exception):

    def __str__(self):
        return "Nine patch error"

class ExceptionIncorrectWidth(_Exception):

    def __str__(self):
        return "Input incorrect width. Mimimum width = :{imgW}".format(imgW=self.imgW)

class ExceptionIncorrectWidthAndHeight(_Exception):

    def __str__(self):
        return "Input incorrect width width and height. Minimum width = :{imgW} . Minimum height = :{imgH}".format(imgW=self.imgW, imgH=self.imgH)

class ExceptionIncorrectHeight(_Exception):

    def __str__(self):
        return "Input incorrect height. Minimum height = :{imgW}".format(imgW=self.imgW)

class ExceptionNot9Patch(Exception):

    def __str__(self):
        return "It is not nine patch image"

class NinePatch:

    def __init__(self, fileName):
        self.CachedImage = None    # 缓存图片
        self.OldWidth = -1
        self.OldHeight = -1
        self.ResizeDistancesX = []
        self.ResizeDistancesY = []    # [(int,int)]数组

    def width(self):
        return self.Image.width()

    def height(self):
        return self.Image.height()

    def setImage(self, fileName):
        self.Image = QImage(fileName)
        if self.Image.isNull():

        self.ContentArea = self.GetContentArea()
        if not self.ResizeDistancesX or not self.ResizeDistancesY:
            raise ExceptionNot9Patch

    def __del__(self):
        if hasattr(self, "CachedImage"):
            del self.CachedImage
        if hasattr(self, "Image"):
            del self.Image

    def Draw(self, painter, x, y):
        painter.drawImage(x, y, self.CachedImage)

    def SetImageSize(self, width, height):
        resizeWidth = 0
        resizeHeight = 0
        for i in range(len(self.ResizeDistancesX)):
            resizeWidth += self.ResizeDistancesX[i][1]

        for i in range(len(self.ResizeDistancesY)):
            resizeHeight += self.ResizeDistancesY[i][1]

        if (width < (self.Image.width() - 2 - resizeWidth) and height < (self.Image.height() - 2 - resizeHeight)):
            raise ExceptionIncorrectWidthAndHeight(
                self.Image.width() - 2, self.Image.height() - 2)

        if (width < (self.Image.width() - 2 - resizeWidth)):
            raise ExceptionIncorrectWidth(
                self.Image.width() - 2, self.Image.height() - 2)

        if (height < (self.Image.height() - 2 - resizeHeight)):
            raise ExceptionIncorrectHeight(
                self.Image.width() - 2, self.Image.height() - 2)

        if (width != self.OldWidth or height != self.OldHeight):
            self.OldWidth = width
            self.OldHeight = height
            self.UpdateCachedImage(width, height)

    def GetContentAreaRect(self, width, height):
        # print("GetContentAreaRect :  width:%d height:%d" % (width, height))
        return (QRect(self.ContentArea.x(), self.ContentArea.y(), (width - (self.Image.width() - 2 - self.ContentArea.width())),
                      (height - (self.Image.height() - 2 - self.ContentArea.height()))))

    def DrawScaledPart(self, oldRect, newRect, painter):
        if (newRect.width() and newRect.height()):
            # print("DrawScaledPart newRect.width:%d newRect.height:%d" % (newRect.width() , newRect.height()))
            img = self.Image.copy(oldRect)
            img = img.scaled(newRect.width(), newRect.height())
            painter.drawImage(newRect.x(), newRect.y(), img,
                              0, 0, newRect.width(), newRect.height())

    def DrawConstPart(self, oldRect, newRect, painter):
        # print("DrawConstPart oldRect:{oldRect} newRect:{newRect}".format(oldRect = oldRect, newRect = newRect))
        img = self.Image.copy(oldRect)
        painter.drawImage(newRect.x(), newRect.y(), img, 0,
                          0, newRect.width(), newRect.height())

    def IsColorBlack(self, color):
        r = qRed(color)
        g = qGreen(color)
        b = qBlue(color)
        a = qAlpha(color)
        if a < 128:
            return False
        return r < 128 and g < 128 and b < 128

    def GetContentArea(self):
        j = self.Image.height() - 1
        left = 0
        right = 0
        for i in range(self.Image.width()):
            if (self.IsColorBlack(self.Image.pixel(i, j)) and left == 0):
                left = i
                if (left != 0 and self.IsColorBlack(self.Image.pixel(i, j))):
                    right = i

        if (left and not right):
            right = left

        left -= 1
        i = self.Image.width() - 1
        top = 0
        bot = 0

        for j in range(self.Image.height()):
            if (self.IsColorBlack(self.Image.pixel(i, j)) and top == 0):
                top = j
                if (top and self.IsColorBlack(self.Image.pixel(i, j))):
                    bot = j

        if (top and not bot):
            bot = top
        top -= 1
        # print("GetContentArea left: %d top:%d %d %d" % (left, top, right - left, bot - top))
        return (QRect(left, top, right - left, bot - top))

    def GetResizeArea(self):
        j = 0
        left = 0
        right = 0

        for i in range(self.Image.width()):
            if (self.IsColorBlack(self.Image.pixel(i, j)) and left == 0):
                left = i
            if (left and self.IsColorBlack(self.Image.pixel(i, j)) and not self.IsColorBlack(self.Image.pixel(i + 1, j))):
                right = i
                left -= 1
                # print("ResizeDistancesX.append ", left, " ", right - left)
                self.ResizeDistancesX.append((left, right - left))
                right = 0
                left = 0
        i = 0
        top = 0
        bot = 0

        for j in range(self.Image.height()):
            if (self.IsColorBlack(self.Image.pixel(i, j)) and top == 0):
                top = j

            if (top and self.IsColorBlack(self.Image.pixel(i, j)) and not self.IsColorBlack(self.Image.pixel(i, j + 1))):
                bot = j
                top -= 1
                # print("ResizeDistancesY.append ", top, " ", bot - top)
                self.ResizeDistancesY.append((top, bot - top))
                top = 0
                bot = 0
        # print(self.ResizeDistancesX, len(self.ResizeDistancesX))
        # print(self.ResizeDistancesY, len(self.ResizeDistancesY))

    def GetFactor(self, width, height, factorX, factorY):
        topResize = width - (self.Image.width() - 2)
        leftResize = height - (self.Image.height() - 2)
        for i in range(len(self.ResizeDistancesX)):
            topResize += self.ResizeDistancesX[i][1]
            factorX += self.ResizeDistancesX[i][1]

        for i in range(len(self.ResizeDistancesY)):
            leftResize += self.ResizeDistancesY[i][1]
            factorY += self.ResizeDistancesY[i][1]

        factorX = float(topResize) / factorX
        factorY = float(leftResize) / factorY
        return factorX, factorY

    def UpdateCachedImage(self, width, height):
        # print("UpdateCachedImage: ", width, "  " , height)
        self.CachedImage = QImage(
            width, height, QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied)
        self.CachedImage.fill(QColor(0, 0, 0, 0))
        painter = QPainter(self.CachedImage)
        factorX = 0.0
        factorY = 0.0
        factorX, factorY = self.GetFactor(width, height, factorX, factorY)
        # print("after GetFactor: ", width, height, factorX, factorY)
        lostX = 0.0
        lostY = 0.0
        x1 = 0    # for image parts X
        y1 = 0    # for image parts Y
#         widthResize    # width for image parts
#         heightResize    # height for image parts
        resizeX = 0
        resizeY = 0
        offsetX = 0
        offsetY = 0
        for i in range(len(self.ResizeDistancesX)):
            y1 = 0
            offsetY = 0
            lostY = 0.0
            for j in range(len(self.ResizeDistancesY)):
                widthResize = self.ResizeDistancesX[i][0] - x1
                heightResize = self.ResizeDistancesY[j][0] - y1

                self.DrawConstPart(QRect(x1 + 1, y1 + 1, widthResize, heightResize),
                                   QRect(x1 + offsetX, y1 + offsetY, widthResize, heightResize), painter)

                y2 = self.ResizeDistancesY[j][0]
                heightResize = self.ResizeDistancesY[j][1]
                resizeY = round(float(heightResize) * factorY)
                lostY += resizeY - (float(heightResize) * factorY)
                if (fabs(lostY) >= 1.0):
                    if (lostY < 0):
                        resizeY += 1
                        lostY += 1.0
                        resizeY -= 1
                        lostY -= 1.0

                self.DrawScaledPart(QRect(x1 + 1, y2 + 1, widthResize, heightResize),
                                    QRect(x1 + offsetX, y2 + offsetY, widthResize, resizeY), painter)

                x2 = self.ResizeDistancesX[i][0]
                widthResize = self.ResizeDistancesX[i][1]
                heightResize = self.ResizeDistancesY[j][0] - y1
                resizeX = round(float(widthResize) * factorX)
                lostX += resizeX - (float(widthResize) * factorX)
                if (fabs(lostX) >= 1.0):
                    if (lostX < 0):
                        resizeX += 1
                        lostX += 1.0
                        resizeX -= 1
                        lostX -= 1.0

                self.DrawScaledPart(QRect(x2 + 1, y1 + 1, widthResize, heightResize),
                                    QRect(x2 + offsetX, y1 + offsetY, resizeX, heightResize), painter)

                heightResize = self.ResizeDistancesY[j][1]
                self.DrawScaledPart(QRect(x2 + 1, y2 + 1, widthResize, heightResize),
                                    QRect(x2 + offsetX, y2 + offsetY, resizeX, resizeY), painter)

                y1 = self.ResizeDistancesY[j][0] + self.ResizeDistancesY[j][1]
                offsetY += resizeY - self.ResizeDistancesY[j][1]

            x1 = self.ResizeDistancesX[i][0] + self.ResizeDistancesX[i][1]
            offsetX += resizeX - self.ResizeDistancesX[i][1]

        x1 = self.ResizeDistancesX[len(
            self.ResizeDistancesX) - 1][0] + self.ResizeDistancesX[len(self.ResizeDistancesX) - 1][1]
        widthResize = self.Image.width() - x1 - 2
        y1 = 0
        lostX = 0.0
        lostY = 0.0
        offsetY = 0
        for i in range(len(self.ResizeDistancesY)):
            self.DrawConstPart(QRect(x1 + 1, y1 + 1, widthResize, self.ResizeDistancesY[i][0] - y1),
                               QRect(x1 + offsetX, y1 + offsetY, widthResize, self.ResizeDistancesY[i][0] - y1), painter)
            y1 = self.ResizeDistancesY[i][0]
            resizeY = round(float(self.ResizeDistancesY[i][1]) * factorY)
            lostY += resizeY - (float(self.ResizeDistancesY[i][1]) * factorY)
            if (fabs(lostY) >= 1.0):
                if (lostY < 0):
                    resizeY += 1
                    lostY += 1.0
                    resizeY -= 1
                    lostY -= 1.0

            self.DrawScaledPart(QRect(x1 + 1, y1 + 1, widthResize, self.ResizeDistancesY[i][1]),
                                QRect(x1 + offsetX, y1 + offsetY, widthResize, resizeY), painter)
            y1 = self.ResizeDistancesY[i][0] + self.ResizeDistancesY[i][1]
            offsetY += resizeY - self.ResizeDistancesY[i][1]

        y1 = self.ResizeDistancesY[len(
            self.ResizeDistancesY) - 1][0] + self.ResizeDistancesY[len(self.ResizeDistancesY) - 1][1]
        heightResize = self.Image.height() - y1 - 2
        x1 = 0
        offsetX = 0
        for i in range(len(self.ResizeDistancesX)):
            self.DrawConstPart(QRect(x1 + 1, y1 + 1, self.ResizeDistancesX[i][0] - x1, heightResize),
                               QRect(x1 + offsetX, y1 + offsetY, self.ResizeDistancesX[i][0] - x1, heightResize), painter)
            x1 = self.ResizeDistancesX[i][0]
            resizeX = round(float(self.ResizeDistancesX[i][1]) * factorX)
            lostX += resizeX - (float(self.ResizeDistancesX[i][1]) * factorX)
            if (fabs(lostX) >= 1.0):
                if (lostX < 0):
                    resizeX += 1
                    lostX += 1.0
                    resizeX -= 1
                    lostX += 1.0

            self.DrawScaledPart(QRect(x1 + 1, y1 + 1, self.ResizeDistancesX[i][1], heightResize),
                                QRect(x1 + offsetX, y1 + offsetY, resizeX, heightResize), painter)
            x1 = self.ResizeDistancesX[i][0] + self.ResizeDistancesX[i][1]
            offsetX += resizeX - self.ResizeDistancesX[i][1]

        x1 = self.ResizeDistancesX[len(
            self.ResizeDistancesX) - 1][0] + self.ResizeDistancesX[len(self.ResizeDistancesX) - 1][1]
        widthResize = self.Image.width() - x1 - 2
        y1 = self.ResizeDistancesY[len(
            self.ResizeDistancesY) - 1][0] + self.ResizeDistancesY[len(self.ResizeDistancesY) - 1][1]
        heightResize = self.Image.height() - y1 - 2
        self.DrawConstPart(QRect(x1 + 1, y1 + 1, widthResize, heightResize),
                           QRect(x1 + offsetX, y1 + offsetY, widthResize, heightResize), painter)