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Python pyqt (gui) example 'menucontent'
Python pyqt example: menucontent
## Copyright (C) 2013 Riverbank Computing Limited.
## Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
## All rights reserved.
## This file is part of the examples of PyQt.
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## Licensees holding valid Qt Commercial licenses may use this file in
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from PyQt5.QtCore import QFile, QFileInfo, QRectF, QTextStream
from colors import Colors
from demoitem import DemoItem
from demoitemanimation import DemoItemAnimation
from demotextitem import DemoTextItem
from headingitem import HeadingItem
class MenuContentItem(DemoItem):
def __init__(self, el, parent=None):
super(MenuContentItem, self).__init__(parent) = el.getAttribute('name')
self.heading = None
self.description1 = None
self.description2 = None
readme_dir = QFileInfo(__file__).dir()
self.readmePath = readme_dir.absoluteFilePath('README')
self._prepared = False
def prepare(self):
if not self._prepared:
self._prepared= True
def animationStopped(self, id):
if == Colors.rootMenuName:
# Optimization hack.
if id == DemoItemAnimation.ANIM_OUT:
# Free up some memory
self.heading = None
self.description1 = None
self.description2 = None
self._prepared = False
def loadDescription(self, startPara, nrPara):
readme = QFile(self.readmePath)
if not
Colors.debug("- MenuContentItem.loadDescription: Could not load:", self.readmePath)
return ""
in_str = QTextStream(readme)
# Skip a certain number of paragraphs.
while startPara:
if not in_str.readLine():
startPara -= 1
# Read in the number of wanted paragraphs.
result = ''
line = in_str.readLine()
while True:
result += line + " "
line = in_str.readLine()
if not line:
nrPara -= 1
line = "<br><br>" + in_str.readLine()
if nrPara == 0 or in_str.atEnd():
return Colors.contentColor + result
def createContent(self):
# Create the items.
self.heading = HeadingItem(, self)
para1 = self.loadDescription(0, 1)
if not para1:
para1 = Colors.contentColor + "Could not load description. Ensure that the documentation for Qt is built."
bgcolor = Colors.sceneBg1.darker(200)
self.description1 = DemoTextItem(para1, Colors.contentFont(),
Colors.heading, 500, self, DemoTextItem.STATIC_TEXT)
self.description2 = DemoTextItem(self.loadDescription(1, 2),
Colors.contentFont(), Colors.heading, 250, self,
# Place the items on screen.
self.heading.setPos(0, 3)
self.description1.setPos(0, self.heading.pos().y() + self.heading.boundingRect().height() + 10)
self.description2.setPos(0, self.description1.pos().y() + self.description1.boundingRect().height() + 15)
def boundingRect(self):
return QRectF(0, 0, 500, 350)
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