
stringIndexing (snippet)

Article Outline

Python example 'string indexing'. Beginner example that uses string slicing and indices.


Python beginners example: stringIndexing

# string indexing

0  1  2  3  4
H  E  L  L  O

message = 'Hello'
print(message[0]) # this will print(H that is first letter in the string)
print(message[1:4]) # this will print(from index one to index four)
print(message[:3]) # this will print(from starting to index 3)
print(message[2:]) # this will print(from index 2 till end)
print(message[:]) # this prints whole string
print(message[0:4:2]) # this escapes 2 characters from string

# negative Indexing
negative Indexing
  P  y  t  h  o  n
 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1

awesome = 'Python is awesome'
print(awesome[:-1]) # -1 prints last character
print(awesome[-2]) # this prints m from starting
print(awesome[-7:]) # try this one out in interpreter

print('You are ' + awesome[10:] + ' you are learning ' + awesome[:6])