
tkinter example ProcessButtonEvent (snippet)

Article Outline

Python tkinter (gui) example 'ProcessButtonEvent'

Functions in program:

  • def processCancel():
  • def processOK():


Python tkinter example: ProcessButtonEvent

from tkinter import * # Import tkinter

def processOK():
    print("OK button is clicked")

def processCancel():
    print("Cancel button is clicked")

root = Tk() # Create a root window
btOK = Button(root, text = "OK", fg = "red", command = processOK) 
btCancel = Button(root, text = "Cancel", bg = "yellow", 
                  command = processCancel) 
btOK.pack() # Place the button in the window
btCancel.pack() # Place the button in the window

root.mainloop() # Create an event loop