Article Outline
Python tkinter (gui) example 'genericWindow'
Python tkinter example: genericWindow
from tkinter import *
inputFieldNames = ["First Name", "Last Name", "Address", "City", "State", "Pincode"]
buttonNames = ["Submit", "Reset", "Close"]
# Application class
class Application:
# Widget variable dictionary
widget = {}
# List of Widgets
label = []
entry = []
button = []
# Constructor
def __init__(self, root):
rowIndex = 0
columnIndex = 0
# Create label and entry field
for inputFieldName in inputFieldNames:
# Label
columnIndex = 0
#print("Adding label at ({},{})".format(rowIndex,columnIndex))
self.label.append(Label(root, text=inputFieldName, padx=2, pady=2, anchor=E))
self.label[rowIndex].grid(row=rowIndex, column=0)
# Entry field
columnIndex = 1
#print("Adding entry field at ({},{})".format(rowIndex, columnIndex))
self.widget[inputFieldName] = StringVar()
self.widget[inputFieldName].trace("w", self.callbackEntryField)
self.entry.append(Entry(root, text="", width=INPUT_FIELD_WIDTH, textvariable=self.widget[inputFieldName]))
self.entry[rowIndex].grid(row=rowIndex, column=1)
rowIndex = rowIndex + 1
# Create buttons
columnIndex = 0
for buttonName in buttonNames:
#print("Adding button at ({},{})".format(rowIndex,columnIndex))
self.widget[buttonName] = StringVar()
print("Registering callback for [{}]".format(buttonName))
self.button.append(Button(root, text=buttonName, padx=2, pady=2, command=self.makeCallback(buttonName)))
self.button[len(self.button) - 1].grid(row=rowIndex, column=columnIndex)
columnIndex = columnIndex + 1
# Create status bar
columnIndex = 0
rowIndex = rowIndex + 1
self.lblStatusBarTitle = Label(root, text="Status: ")
self.lblStatusBarTitle.grid(row=rowIndex, column=columnIndex)
columnIndex = columnIndex + 1
self.lblStatusBar = Label(root, text="Welcome", width=STATUS_BAR_WIDTH, bd=1, relief=SUNKEN)
self.lblStatusBar.grid(row=rowIndex, column=columnIndex)
# Function to set status bar message
def SetStatusBarMsg(self, msg):
# Directly using the body of this function at the time of registering callback
# in button doesn't work! Don't know why. It keeps on registering only the last
# registered buttonName.
def makeCallback(self, buttonName):
return lambda: self.callbackFunc(buttonName)
def makeEntryFieldCallback(self, *args):
return lambda: self.callbackEntryField()
# Called when entry field is updated
def callbackEntryField(self, *args):
self.SetStatusBarMsg("[{}] updated".format(args[0]))
# callback function for button
def callbackFunc(self, buttonName):
#print("{} button was pressed".format(buttonName))
self.SetStatusBarMsg("{} button was pressed".format(buttonName))
if (buttonName == "Submit"):
self.SetStatusBarMsg("Thank you for submitting details".format(buttonName))
elif (buttonName == "Reset"):
for e in self.entry:
print("Clearing field [{}]".format(e.get()))
e.delete(0, 'end')
self.SetStatusBarMsg("Clearing input fields".format(buttonName))
elif (buttonName == "Close"):
# Display what all widgets have been registered in this application
def DisplayWidgets(self):
print("Available Widgets:")
index = 0
for widget in self.widget:
print("{}) {}".format(index, widget))
index = index + 1
# Main
root = Tk()
root.title("Generic Window Example")
app = Application(root)
Useful links
- Learn Tkinter:
- Wikipedia tkinter: