
tkinter example test pbar2 (snippet)

Article Outline

Python tkinter (gui) example 'test pbar2'

Functions in program:

  • def main():

test pbar2

Python tkinter example: test pbar2

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Tkinter (Tk/Ttk) Progressbar widget example
# Written by Yu-Jie Lin
# This code is placed in Public Domain
# Gist: https://gist.github.com/livibetter/6850443
# Clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKr8wjKuhBY
# References:
#   * http://docs.python.org/2/library/ttk.html#progressbar
#   * http://docs.python.org/3/library/tkinter.ttk.html#progressbar
# Backstory:
# I wrote this script because one [1] of my videos got some hits with
# irrelevant keywords. I understand that would be frustrating when the searcher
# wants to find a progress bar in Tk, but gets a video hit about progress bar
# in terminal. So I did some reading and coding to produce this code.
# [1]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goeZaYERNnM

  import Tkinter              # Python 2
  import ttk
except ImportError:
  import tkinter as Tkinter   # Python 3
  import tkinter.ttk as ttk

def main():

  root = Tkinter.Tk()

  ft = ttk.Frame()
  fb = ttk.Frame()

  ft.pack(expand=True, fill=Tkinter.BOTH, side=Tkinter.TOP)
  fb.pack(expand=True, fill=Tkinter.BOTH, side=Tkinter.TOP)

  pb_hd = ttk.Progressbar(ft, orient='horizontal', mode='determinate')
  pb_hD = ttk.Progressbar(ft, orient='horizontal', mode='indeterminate')
  pb_vd = ttk.Progressbar(fb, orient='vertical', mode='determinate')
  pb_vD = ttk.Progressbar(fb, orient='vertical', mode='indeterminate')

  pb_hd.pack(expand=True, fill=Tkinter.BOTH, side=Tkinter.TOP)
  pb_hD.pack(expand=True, fill=Tkinter.BOTH, side=Tkinter.TOP)
  pb_vd.pack(expand=True, fill=Tkinter.BOTH, side=Tkinter.LEFT)
  pb_vD.pack(expand=True, fill=Tkinter.BOTH, side=Tkinter.LEFT)



if __name__ == '__main__':