Article Outline
Python tkinter (gui) example 'tkinter png'
Modules used in program:
import png
tkinter png
Python tkinter example: tkinter png
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# tkinter-png - example of using tkinter and pypng to display pngs (albeit reduced quality)
# in nothing but pure python. Can use RGBA images, but alpha is opaque or transparent only.
# v0.75 - Example code and module seperated out, speed optimisation of the convert function
from array import *
from tkinter import *
import png
## tkinter hacking section ##
# Define our new tkinter.PhotoImage functions and override the stock version
class PhotoImage(PhotoImage):
def transGet(self, x, y):
"""Returns a boolean if pixel at (x,y) is transparent"""
return, "transparency", "get", x, y)
def transSet(self, x, y, alpha):
"""Makes the pixel at (x,y) transparent if alpha is is true or opaque otherwise""", "transparency", "set", x, y, alpha)
# tkinter already has a gimped version of copy, but it's pretty useless
# this version is still lacking and doesn't have all options, but is actually usable
def copy(self, sourceImage, fromBox=None, toBox=None):
"""Copies from region of sourceImage at fromBox to current image at toBox"""
args = (, "copy", sourceImage)
if fromBox:
if fromBox[0] == "-from":
fromBox = fromBox[1:]
args = args + ("-from",) + tuple(fromBox)
if toBox:
if toBox[0] == "-to":
toBox = toBox[1:]
args = args + ("-to",) + tuple(toBox)
def redither(self):
"""Recalculate dithering used in PhotoImages to fix errors that may occur if image data was supplied in chunks""", "redither")
def data(self, bg=None, fromBox=None, grey=None):
"""Returns image data in the form of a string"""
args = (, "data")
if bg:
if bg[0] == "-background":
bg = bg[1:]
args = args + ("-background",) + tuple(bg)
if fromBox:
if fromBox[0] == "-from":
fromBox = fromBox[1:]
args = args + ("-from",) + tuple(fromBox)
if grey:
if grey == True or grey == "-grayscale":
args = args + ("-grayscale",)
## PngImageTk section ##
class PngImageTk(object):
"""A png image loaded and placed into a tkinter.PhotoImage object"""
def __init__(self, filename):
# Read image, create list of pixel RGB or RGBA values
r = png.Reader(filename)
# Try to use RGB8 load if no alpha chanel otherwise use alpha (RGBA8)
self.w, self.h, self.pixels, self.meta = r.asRGB8()
self.w, self.h, self.pixels, self.meta = r.asRGBA8()
self.pixeldata = list(self.pixels) #pixeldata has each row of the image as an array
self.x = 0
self.y = 0
self.image = PhotoImage(width=self.w, height=self.h) #use photoimage as temporary oject to write to canvas
# Print meta data for image
def __str__(self):
rep = "Width:", self.w, "\n"
rep += "Height:", self.h, "\n"
rep += "Bitdepth:", self.meta["bitdepth"], "\n"
rep += "Greyscale:", self.meta["greyscale"], "\n"
rep += "Alpha:", self.meta["alpha"], "\n"
return rep
# Used to split each row into pairs of RGB or RGBA values
def chunks(self, l, n):
return [l[i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(l), n)]
# Convert pixeldata into a PhotoImage object
def convert(self):
alphapixels = []
if self.meta["alpha"] == True:
values = 4
a_append = alphapixels.append
values = 3
pixelrows = []
# Possible optimisation by minimising re-evaluation of dot notation in loops
p_append = pixelrows.append
pixeldata = self.pixeldata
chunks = self.chunks
alpha = self.meta["alpha"]
x = self.x
y = self.y
w = self.w
h = self.h
put = self.image.put
transSet = self.image.transSet
for row in pixeldata:
row = row.tolist() #convert from array to list
chunked = chunks(row, values) #RGB/RGBA format = 3/4 values
for item in chunked:
if alpha == True:
# if 100% transparent, remember this pixel so we can make it transparent later
if item[3] == 0:
a_append((x, y))
del item[-1] #remove alpha bit
# Increment position, used for tracking coordinates of transparent pixels
x += 1
if x == w:
y += 1
x = 0
p_append(["#%02x%02x%02x" % tuple(item) for item in chunked])
pixelrows = tuple(tuple(x) for x in pixelrows) #convert our list of lists into a tuple of tuples
put(pixelrows,(0,0, w,h)) #pixels are finally written to the PhotoImage
# If we have alphapixels, set each stored coordinate to transparent
if alphapixels:
for item in alphapixels:
transSet(item[0],item[1], "True")
Useful links
- Learn Tkinter:
- Wikipedia tkinter: