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Example Python program Dictionary.py Python version 3.x or newer. To check the Python version use:

python --version


Python example

#Dictionary in Python is an unordered collection of data values, used to store data values like a map, which unlike other Data Types that hold only single value as an element, Dictionary holds key:value pair.

dict1 = {} #empty dictionary

dict1 = {1:"value1", "key1":"value2", 2:"value3"}

print(dict1) #{1: 'value1', 'key1': 'value2', 2: 'value3'}
print(dict1["key1"]) #value2
print(dict1[1]) #value1

print(dict1.keys()) #dict_keys([1, 'key1', 2])
for item in dict1.keys():
    print("{0} likes the value {1}.".format(item, dict1[item]))
1 likes the value value1.
key1 likes the value value2.
2 likes the value value3.

#Keys cannot be changed.
#You will need to add a new key with the modified value then remove the old one.

print(Dict1) #{1: 'value1', 'key1': 'value2', 2: 'name3'}

print(dict1) #{1: 'value1', 'key1': 'value2', 2: 'name3', 125: 'value125'}

del dict1[1]
print(dict1) #{'key1': 'value2', 2: 'name3', 125: 'value125'}

print(len(dict1)) #3

print(len(dict1)) #0