

Article Outline

Example Python program Graphs_lab.py


  • from graph import *


Python example

from graph import *

# x, y = 600, 800
# # Window
# windowSize(x, y)
# # Background
# canvasSize(x + 100, y + 100)
# brushColor("grey")
# rectangle(0, 0, x + 100, y + 100)
# # Cloud
"""Дом с круглым окном"""
# # Rectangle
# penColor(255,0,255)
# penSize(5)
# brushColor("blue")
# rectangle(100, 100, 300, 200)
# Polygon
# brushColor("yellow")
# polygon([(100,100), (200,50), (300,100), (100,100)])
# Circle
# penColor("white")
# brushColor("green")
# circle(200, 150, 50)
# x1, y1, x2, y2 = 100, 100, 300, 200
# # The total number of lines in the frame
# N = 10
# # Frame
# rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2)
# # Line spacing
# h = (x2 - x1) / (N + 1)
# x = x1 + h
# for i in range(N):
#     line(x, y1, x, y2)
#     x += h
"""Злой смайлик"""
# brushColor("yellow")
# circle(210, 200, 100) # Голова
# brushColor("black")
# penSize(11)
# line(110, 120, 195, 170) # Левая бровь
# penSize(1)
# brushColor("red")
# circle(165, 180, 20) # Левый глаз
# brushColor("black")
# circle(165, 180, 8)
# penSize(11)
# line(230, 170, 310, 135) # Правая бровь
# penSize(1)
# brushColor("red")
# circle(259, 180, 16) # Левый глаз
# brushColor("black")
# circle(259, 180, 7)
# penSize(20)
# line(210-50, 260, 210+50, 260) # Рот
