Article Outline
Example Python program Python version 3.x or newer. To check the Python version use:
python --version
- import random as rd
- import numpy as np
Python example
# Hangman Game
import random as rd
import numpy as np
# choose the words
word = ["tennis", "basketball", "baseball", "softball", "volleyball", "track", "football", "soccer", "golf", "cricket", "rugby", "lacrosse", "badminton", "bowling", "boxing", "hockey", "swimming", "archery", "fencing", "ultimate"]
play = raw_input("Do you want to play the game? Answer Yes or No")
while play == "Yes" or play == "yes" or play == " Yes" or play == " yes": #as long as person wants to play the game
word1 = rd.choice(word) # this is the word they are guessing
word2 = " "
count = 0
while word2 != word1:
while count <= 10:
letter = raw_input("What letter do you guess? ")
if letter in word1:
print("Yes that letter is in the word. ")
word2 = raw_input("Do you know the word? Type it here if you do or type anything else. ")
if word2 == word1:
print("You win!")
play = raw_input("Play again?")
print("Sorry that letter is not in the word. ")
count = count + 1
word2 = raw_input("Do you know the word? Type it here if you do or type anything else. ")
if word2 == word1:
print("You win!")
play = raw_input("Play again?")
if count == 10:
word2 = raw_input("You're out of guesses. You have one try to guess the word. ")
if word2 == word1:
print("You win!")
play = raw_input("Play again?")
Useful Links
- Articles:
- Python shell:
- Tutorial: