Article Outline
Example Python program
- from Tkinter import * # Python 2
from tkinter import * # Python 3
- class GuiRec(Frame): # We're going to "inherit" the Frame class.
- def init(self, master, rec): # What happens when you initialize the GuiRec
- def update_record(self):
- def get_gui_rec(record):
Python tkinter example
from Tkinter import * # Python 2
# from tkinter import * # Python 3
class GuiRec(Frame): # We're going to "inherit" the Frame class.
def __init__(self, master, rec): # What happens when you initialize the GuiRec
Frame.__init__(self, master) # Like any frame, you gotta set the parent.
self.record = rec
# You could also make these "public properties" or whatever. Your call.
self.fields = rec.keys()
self.fields.sort() # for now, let's sort these alphabetically
self.labels = []
self.entries = []
# We need to add a row for each key/value pair.
# That means 1 Label and one Entry
for i in range(len(self.fields)):
name = self.fields[i]
lbl = Label(self, text=name)
lbl.grid(column=0, row=i)
entry = Entry(self)
entry.insert(0, rec[name])
entry.grid(column=1, row=i)
# Then, we need an "Ok" button
self.btnOk = Button(self, text="OK", command=self.update_record)
self.btnOk.grid(row=len(self.fields), column=0, columnspan=2)
# This is what happens when the Ok button is pressed.
def update_record(self):
rec = {}
for i in range(len(self.record)):
rec[self.fields[i]] = self.entries[i].get() # get the updated value for each key
self.record = rec # update the record
self.master.destroy() # You only want this on popups that end the application
def get_gui_rec(record):
root = Tk() # start a new Tk window as 'root'
window = GuiRec(root, record) # create the GuiRec frame
window.pack() # fill root with the GuiRec window
root.mainloop() # run that ish
new_rec = window.record # once the root window is destroyed, get the GuiRec.record property
return new_rec
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