

Article Outline

Example Python program class_example.py Python version 3.x or newer. To check the Python version use:

python --version


  • from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
  • import numpy as np


  • class Line:
  • class Prampara(ABC):
  • if child_class is Prampara:
  • class Parent(Prampara):


  • def set(self, instance, value):
  • def get(self, instance, owner):
  • def set_name(self, owner, name):
  • def function_one(cls):
  • def function_two(cls):
  • def function_three():
  • def function_four():
  • def descriptor(self):
  • def subclasshook(cls, child_class):
  • def new(cls, args, *kwargs):
  • def init(self, args, *kwargs):
  • def del(self):
  • def repr(self) -> str:
  • def str(self) -> str:
  • def bytes(self) -> bytes:
  • def lt(self, other) -> bool:
  • def le(self, other) -> bool:
  • def gt(self, other) -> bool:
  • def ge(self, other) -> bool:
  • def eq(self, other) -> bool:
  • def ne(self, other) -> bool:
  • def hash(self) -> int:
  • def bool(self) -> bool:
  • def getattribute(self, attribute):
  • def getattr(self, attribute):
  • def setattr(self, name, value):
  • def delattr(self, name):
  • def dir(self):
  • def add(self, other):

  • def descriptor(self):
  • def main():


Python example


    Python Data Model

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import numpy as np

class Line:
        Descriptor class
    points = []

    def __set__(self, instance, value):
        Line.points = value

    def __get__(self, instance, owner):
        return np.sqrt((Line.points[0][0] - Line.points[1][0]) ** 2 - (Line.points[0][1] - Line.points[1][1]) ** 2)

    def __set_name__(self, owner, name):
        print(f"Owner: {owner} -> Name: {name}")

class Prampara(ABC):
        Abstract Base class

    def function_one(cls):
        Class Function One
        print("Prampara -> function_one (classmethod)")

    def function_two(cls):
        Class Function Two
        print("Prampara -> function_two (classmethod)")

    def function_three():
        Static Function One
        print("Prampara -> function_three (staticmethod)")

    def function_four():
        Static Function Two
        print("Prampara -> function_four (staticmethod)")

    def descriptor(self):
        Abstract Function

    def __subclasshook__(cls, child_class):
        if child_class is Prampara:
            if any("abstract_function" in base.__dict__ for base in child_class.__mro__):

class Parent(Prampara):
    Parent Class

    __slots__ = ['args']

    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
            Creates new instance of the class
        print(f"{kwargs['name']}: __new__")

        obj = super(Parent, cls).__new__(cls)

        if kwargs['invert_neg']:
            args = list(map(abs, args))

        obj.args = args

        return obj

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            Intialize array using random data from -100 to 100
        super(Parent, self).__init__()

        _ = args
        self.later = None 
        self.name = kwargs['name']

        print(f"{self.name}: __init__({self.args})")

    def __del__(self):
            Called when instance is about to be destroyed
        print(f"{self.__class__.__name__}'s {self.name}: __del__")

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
            Object's official string representation
        return f"Parent's {self.name}"

    def __str__(self) -> str:
            User readable string Repesentation
        return f"Class: Parent; Object: {self.name}; Argument: {self.args}"

    def __bytes__(self) -> bytes:
            Called by bytes to compute a byte-string representation of an object
        return bytes(self.args)

    def __lt__(self, other) -> bool:
            for self < other
        return self.args < other.args

    def __le__(self, other) -> bool:
            for self <= other
        return self.args <= other.args

    def __gt__(self, other) -> bool:
            for self > other
        return self.args > other.args

    def __ge__(self, other) -> bool:
            for self >= other
        return self.args >= other.args

    def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
            for self == other
        return self.args == other.args

    def __ne__(self, other) -> bool:
            for self != other
        return self.args != other.args

    def __hash__(self) -> int:
            returns hash value
        return hash(f"{self.name}: {self.args}")

    def __bool__(self) -> bool:
            returns boolean value
        return self.args > 100

    def __getattribute__(self, attribute):
            called for every attribute regardless whether it exists or not
        print(f"__getattribute__: ", end='')

        return super().__getattribute__(attribute)

    def __getattr__(self, attribute):
            handles attribute error

        attribute : object
            missing attribute

            return value
        print("__getattr__: ", end='')

        self.__dict__[attribute] = 0

        return 0

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
            Called when an attribute assignment is attempted

        name : {str}
            attribute name
        value : {object}
            attribute value
        print("__setattr__: ")

        self.__dict__[name] = abs(value) if isinstance(value, (int, float)) else value

    def __delattr__(self, name):
            Called for attribute deletion

        name : {[type]}
        print(f"__delattr__({name}) : ")
        del self.__dict__[name]

    def __dir__(self):
            returns attribute list
        return [1, 2, 3]

    # def __add__(self, other):
    #     """
    #         for self + other

    #     Parameters
    #     ----------
    #     other : {[type]}
    #         [description]
    #     """
    #     return 

    # Calling Descriptor class
    line = Line()

    def descriptor(self):
        Overridden function
        Parent.line = ((0, 0), (2, 2))

        return Parent.line

def main():
    Main Function
    parent_one = Parent(5, -20, invert_neg=True, name='parent_one')
    parent_two = Parent(-50, 100, invert_neg=True, name='parent_two')

    print(f"__repr__: {repr(parent_one)}")
    print(f"__repr__: {repr(parent_two)}")

    print(f"__str__: {parent_one}")
    print(f"__str__: {parent_two}")

    print(f"__bytes__: {bytes(parent_one)}")
    print(f"__bytes__: {bytes(parent_two)}")

    print(f"__lt__: {parent_one < parent_two}")
    print(f"__le__: {parent_one <= parent_two}")
    print(f"__gt__: {parent_one > parent_two}")
    print(f"__ge__: {parent_one >= parent_two}")
    print(f"__eq__: {parent_one == parent_two}")
    print(f"__ne__: {parent_one != parent_two}")

    print(f"__hash__: {hash(parent_one)}")
    print(f"__hash__: {hash(parent_two)}")

    print(f"__bool__: {bool(parent_one)}")
    print(f"__bool__: {bool(parent_two)}")

    # __getattribute__

    # __getattr__

    # __setattr__
    parent_one.later = [1, 'A']
    parent_one.later = [2, 'B']

    # __delattr__
    del parent_one.later
    del parent_two.later

    print(f"dir(parent_one): {dir(parent_one)}")
    print(f"dir(parent_two): {dir(parent_two)}")

    print(f"Descriptor: {parent_one.descriptor()}")

if __name__ == "__main__":