

Article Outline

Example Python program fuzzy_match_excel.py


  • import xlrd
  • import xlwt
  • import tkinter
  • from tkinter import filedialog
  • from tkinter import simpledialog
  • import editdistance
  • import numpy
  • from xlwt import Formula
  • import openpyxl
  • from openpyxl import load_workbook
  • import time
  • import untitled
  • from openpyxl.workbook import Workbook
  • from openpyxl.reader.excel import load_workbook, InvalidFileException
  • import os
  • import cProfile


  • def doesStringContainsAll(stringToParse, standardString):
  • def findCell (excelBook, sheetNumber, row, columnNumber):
  • def findString (excelBook, sheetNumber, iterator, columnNumber):
  • def findColumnIndexNumber(stringToSearchFor, sheetNumber, excelBook):
  • def createArrayForColumn(indexNumber, sheetNumber, excelBook):


Python tkinter example

import xlrd
import xlwt
import tkinter
from tkinter import filedialog
from tkinter import simpledialog
import editdistance
import numpy
from xlwt import Formula
import openpyxl
from openpyxl import load_workbook
import time
import untitled
from openpyxl.workbook import Workbook
from openpyxl.reader.excel import load_workbook, InvalidFileException
import os
import cProfile

#Copy all of the data
#Ask user the name of the Column which will be matched to page Sheet2
#FindColumn, insert a column next to it
#Perform Fuzzy String matching, then place best match into the appropriate row (per iteration), if none, enter #N/A
#Save file?

def doesStringContainsAll(stringToParse, standardString):
    for c in stringToParse:
        if c not in standardString: return 0;
    return 1;

def findCell (excelBook, sheetNumber, row, columnNumber):
    excelBook = excelBook
    sheet = excelBook.sheets()[sheetNumber]
    cell = sheet.cell(row, columnNumber)
    return cell

def findString (excelBook, sheetNumber, iterator, columnNumber):
    excelBook = excelBook
    sheet = excelBook.sheets()[sheetNumber]
    cell = sheet.cell(iterator, columnNumber)
    whatIfound = cell.value
    return whatIfound

def findColumnIndexNumber(stringToSearchFor, sheetNumber, excelBook):
    excelBook = excelBook
    mainSheet = excelBook.sheets()[sheetNumber]
    for mainSheet in excelBook.sheets():
        for rowidx in range(mainSheet.nrows):
            row = mainSheet.row(rowidx)
            for colidx, cell in enumerate(row):
                if cell.value == stringToSearchFor :
                    return colidx

def createArrayForColumn(indexNumber, sheetNumber, excelBook):
    excelBook = excelBook
    mainSheet = excelBook.sheets()[sheetNumber]
    data = []
    for i in range(1, mainSheet.nrows):
        cell = mainSheet.cell(i, indexNumber).value
    return data

root = tkinter.Tk()
book = xlrd.open_workbook(filedialog.askopenfilename())
saveDirectory = filedialog.askdirectory()

copy_book = xlwt.Workbook()
sheetOne = book.sheets()[0]
sheetTwo = book.sheets()[1]
copy_sheet = copy_book.add_sheet("Initial")

matchColumnNumber = 0
allStandardizedDataArray = createArrayForColumn(0, 1, book)
allSourceDataArray = createArrayForColumn(matchColumnNumber, 0, book)

addres_dict_short = [" ave"," st"," rd"," blvd"," ct"," ln"," dr"," pike"," ter"," terr"," 1st"," 2nd"," 3rd"," 4th"," 5th"," 6th"," 7th"," 8th"," 9th"," 10th"]
address_dict_long = [" avenue"," street"," road"," boulevard"," court"," lane"," drive"," turnpike"," terrace"," terrace"," first"," second"," third"," fourth"," fifth"," sixth",
" seventh"," eigth"," ninth"," tenth"]

for iterator in range(1, sheetOne.nrows):
    print ("Running iteration #: %s" % iterator)
    text = findString(book, 0, iterator, matchColumnNumber)
    print (text)
    matchPercentageArray = []

    for m in range(sheetTwo.nrows):
    print (len(matchPercentageArray))
    #for levIterator in range(sheetTwo.nrows - 1):
    #    for i in range(len(matchPercentageArray)):
    #        matchPercentageArray[i] = 0

    maxValue = matchPercentageArray[0]
    arrayPosition = 0

    for levIterator in range(sheetTwo.nrows - 1):
        s1 = text
        s2 = allStandardizedDataArray[levIterator]
        levDistance = editdistance.eval(s1.lower(), s2.lower())
        ratio = (levDistance / max(len(s1), len(s2)))*100
        ratio = 100 - ratio
        matchPercentageArray[levIterator] = ratio

        for i in range(len(matchPercentageArray)):
            #print ("matchPercentageArray %s" % i)
            if (matchPercentageArray[i] > maxValue):
                maxValue = matchPercentageArray[i]
                arrayPosition = i

    if doesStringContainsAll(text.lower(), allStandardizedDataArray[arrayPosition].lower()) == 1:
        copy_sheet.write(iterator, matchColumnNumber + 6, allStandardizedDataArray[arrayPosition])

    if doesStringContainsAll(allStandardizedDataArray[arrayPosition].lower(), text.lower()) == 1:
        copy_sheet.write(iterator, matchColumnNumber + 7, allStandardizedDataArray[arrayPosition])

    for h in range(len(addres_dict_short)):
        if addres_dict_short[h] in text.lower():
            if doesStringContainsAll(text.lower().replace(addres_dict_short[h], address_dict_long[h]), allStandardizedDataArray[arrayPosition].lower()) == 1:
                copy_sheet.write(iterator, matchColumnNumber + 9, allStandardizedDataArray[arrayPosition])

        if address_dict_long[h] in text.lower():
            if doesStringContainsAll(text.lower().replace(address_dict_long[h], addres_dict_short[h]), allStandardizedDataArray[arrayPosition].lower()) == 1:
                copy_sheet.write(iterator, matchColumnNumber + 10, allStandardizedDataArray[arrayPosition])

    if maxValue >= 100:
        copy_sheet.write(iterator, matchColumnNumber, allStandardizedDataArray[arrayPosition])

    elif maxValue >= 85:
        copy_sheet.write(iterator, matchColumnNumber + 1, allStandardizedDataArray[arrayPosition])

    elif allStandardizedDataArray[arrayPosition] in text or text in allStandardizedDataArray[arrayPosition]:
        copy_sheet.write(iterator, matchColumnNumber + 8, allStandardizedDataArray[arrayPosition])

    elif maxValue >= 75:
        copy_sheet.write(iterator, matchColumnNumber + 2, allStandardizedDataArray[arrayPosition])

    elif maxValue >= 65:
        copy_sheet.write(iterator, matchColumnNumber + 3, allStandardizedDataArray[arrayPosition])

    elif maxValue >= 50:
        copy_sheet.write(iterator, matchColumnNumber + 4, allStandardizedDataArray[arrayPosition])

    elif maxValue >= 40:
        copy_sheet.write(iterator, matchColumnNumber + 5, allStandardizedDataArray[arrayPosition])

copy_sheet.write(0, 0, "100% Match")
copy_sheet.write(0, 1, "99-85% Match")
copy_sheet.write(0, 2, "84-75% Match")
copy_sheet.write(0, 3, "74-65% Match")
copy_sheet.write(0, 4, "64-50% Match")
copy_sheet.write(0, 5, "49-40% Match")
copy_sheet.write(0, 6, "Contains all letters")
copy_sheet.write(0, 7, "Contains all letters (Reversed)")
copy_sheet.write(0, 8, "Contains String")
copy_sheet.write(0, 9, "Dictionary Switched")
copy_sheet.write(0, 10, "Dictionary Switched ex")

copy_book.save("%s\matchedFile.xls" % saveDirectory)