
luminance (1)

Article Outline

Example Python program luminance (1).py


  • import numpy as N
  • import matplotlib.colors
  • from matplotlib import pyplot as P
  • from matplotlib import cbook


  • def rotate(x, y, angle):
  • def luminance_colormap(num_cycles=2, num_colors=256, reverse=False):


Python example

import numpy as N
import matplotlib.colors

def rotate(x, y, angle):
    r, theta = N.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2), N.arctan2(y, x)
    theta += angle
    return r * (N.cos(theta), N.sin(theta))

def luminance_colormap(num_cycles=2, num_colors=256, reverse=False):
    '''Returns a Matplotlib color scale that cycles through the hues @num_cycles
    times, while maintaining monotonic luminance (i.e., if it is printed in
    black and white, then it will be perceptually equal to a linear grayscale.

    Ported from the Matlab(R) code from: McNames, J. (2006). An effective color
    scale for simultaneous color and gray-scale publications. IEEE Signal
    Processing Magazine 23(1), 82--87.'''

    # Triangular window function
    window = N.sqrt(3.0 / 8.0) * N.bartlett(num_colors)

    # Independent variable
    t = N.linspace(N.sqrt(3.0), 0.0, num_colors)

    # Initial values
    operand = (t - N.sqrt(3.0) / 2.0) * num_cycles * 2.0 * N.pi / N.sqrt(3.0)
    r0 = t
    g0 = window * N.cos(operand)
    b0 = window * N.sin(operand)

    # Convert RG to polar, rotate, and convert back
    r1, g1 = rotate(r0, g0, N.arcsin(1.0 / N.sqrt(3.0)))
    b1 = b0

    # Convert RB to polar, rotate, and convert back
    r2, b2 = rotate(r1, b1, N.pi / 4.0)
    g2 = g1

    # Ensure finite precision effects don't exceed unit cube boundaries
    r = r2.clip(0.0, 1.0)
    g = g2.clip(0.0, 1.0)
    b = b2.clip(0.0, 1.0)

    the_map = N.vstack((r, g, b)).T
    return matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(the_map[::-1 if reverse else 1])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from matplotlib import pyplot as P
    from matplotlib import cbook

    w, h = 512, 512
    datafile = cbook.get_sample_data('ct.raw', asfileobj=False)
    s = file(datafile, 'rb').read()
    A = N.fromstring(s, N.uint16).astype(float)
    A /= max(A)
    A.shape = w, h
    extent = (0, 25, 0, 25)

    fig = P.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
    im = ax.imshow(A, cmap=luminance_colormap(), origin='upper', extent=extent)