Article Outline
Example Python program
- import scipy.interpolate as sint
- import scipy.interpolate as si
- import numpy as np
- from collections import namedtuple
- from functools import reduce
import matplotlib
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- class SplineFitter(object):
- class SplineCurve(object):
- def init(self, ax, pix_err=1):
- def clear(self):
- def connect_sf(self):
- def disconnect_sf(self):
- def click_event(self, event):
- def remove_pt(self, loc):
- def redraw(self):
- def points(self):
- def SplineCurve(self):
- def _get_spline(cls, points, pix_err=2, need_sort=True, **kwargs):
- def from_pts(cls, new_pts, **kwargs):
- def init(self, tck):
- def write_to_hdf(self, parent_group, name=None):
- def circ(self):
- def cntr(self):
- def th_offset(self):
- def tck0(self):
- def tck1(self):
- def tck2(self):
- def q_phi_to_xy(self, q, phi, cross=None):
Python example
import scipy.interpolate as sint
import scipy.interpolate as si
import numpy as np
from collections import namedtuple
from functools import reduce
# uncomment this to set the backend
# import matplotlib
# matplotlib.use('Qt4Agg')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class SplineFitter(object):
def __init__(self, ax, pix_err=1):
self.canvas = ax.get_figure().canvas
self.cid = None
self.pt_lst = []
self.pt_plot = ax.plot([], [], marker='o',
linestyle='none', zorder=5)[0]
self.sp_plot = ax.plot([], [], lw=3, color='r')[0]
self.pix_err = pix_err
def clear(self):
'''Clears the points'''
self.pt_lst = []
def connect_sf(self):
if self.cid is None:
self.cid = self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event',
def disconnect_sf(self):
if self.cid is not None:
self.cid = None
def click_event(self, event):
''' Extracts locations from the user'''
if event.key == 'shift':
if event.xdata is None or event.ydata is None:
if event.button == 1:
self.pt_lst.append((event.xdata, event.ydata))
elif event.button == 3:
self.remove_pt((event.xdata, event.ydata))
self.ev = event
def remove_pt(self, loc):
if len(self.pt_lst) > 0:
self.pt_lst.pop(np.argmin(list(map(lambda x:
np.sqrt((x[0] - loc[0]) ** 2 +
(x[1] - loc[1]) ** 2),
def redraw(self):
if len(self.pt_lst) > 5:
SC = SplineCurve.from_pts(self.pt_lst, pix_err=self.pix_err)
new_pts = SC.q_phi_to_xy(0, np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 1000))
center = SC.cntr
self.pt_lst.sort(key=lambda x:
np.arctan2(x[1] - center[1], x[0] - center[0]))
if len(self.pt_lst) > 0:
x, y = zip(*self.pt_lst)
x, y = [], []
def points(self):
'''Returns the clicked points in the format the rest of the
code expects'''
return np.vstack(self.pt_lst).T
def SplineCurve(self):
curve = SplineCurve.from_pts(self.pt_lst, pix_err=self.pix_err)
return curve
class SplineCurve(object):
A class that wraps the scipy.interpolation objects
def _get_spline(cls, points, pix_err=2, need_sort=True, **kwargs):
Returns a closed spline for the points handed in.
Input is assumed to be a (2xN) array
:param points: the points to fit the spline to
:type points: a 2xN ndarray or a list of len =2 tuples
:param pix_err: the error is finding the spline in pixels
:param need_sort: if the points need to be sorted
or should be processed as-is
The return data from the spline fitting
if type(points) is np.ndarray:
# make into a list
pt_lst = zip(*points)
# get center
center = np.mean(points, axis=1).reshape(2, 1)
# make a copy of the list
pt_lst = list(points)
# compute center
tmp_fun = lambda x, y: (x[0] + y[0], x[1] + y[1])
center = np.array(reduce(tmp_fun, pt_lst)).reshape(2, 1)
center /= len(pt_lst)
if len(pt_lst) < 5:
raise TooFewPointsException("not enough points")
if need_sort:
# sort the list by angle around center
pt_lst.sort(key=lambda x: np.arctan2(x[1] - center[1],
x[0] - center[0]))
# add first point to end because it is periodic (makes the
# interpolation code happy)
# make array for handing in to spline fitting
pt_array = np.vstack(pt_lst).T
# do spline fitting
tck, u = si.splprep(pt_array, s=len(pt_lst) * (pix_err ** 2), per=True)
return tck
def from_pts(cls, new_pts, **kwargs):
tck = cls._get_spline(new_pts, **kwargs)
this = cls(tck)
this.raw_pts = new_pts
return this
def __init__(self, tck):
'''Use `from_pts` class method to construct instance
self.tck = tck
self._cntr = None
self._circ = None
self._th_offset = None
def write_to_hdf(self, parent_group, name=None):
Writes out the essential data (spline of central curve) to hdf file.
if name is not None:
curve_group = parent_group.create_group(name)
curve_group = parent_group
curve_group.attrs['tck0'] = self.tck[0]
curve_group.attrs['tck1'] = np.vstack(self.tck[1])
curve_group.attrs['tck2'] = self.tck[2]
def circ(self):
'''returns a rough estimate of the circumference'''
if self._circ is None:
new_pts = si.splev(np.linspace(0, 1, 1000), self.tck, ext=2)
self._circ = np.sum(np.sqrt(np.sum(np.diff(new_pts, axis=1) ** 2,
return self._circ
def cntr(self):
'''returns a rough estimate of the circumference'''
if self._cntr is None:
new_pts = si.splev(np.linspace(0, 1, 1000), self.tck, ext=2)
self._cntr = np.mean(new_pts, 1)
return self._cntr
def th_offset(self):
The angle from the y-axis for (x, y) at `phi=0`
if self._th_offset is None:
x, y = self.q_phi_to_xy(0, 0) - self.cntr.reshape(2, 1)
self._th_offset = np.arctan2(y, x)
return self._th_offset
def tck0(self):
return self.tck[0]
def tck1(self):
return self.tck[1]
def tck2(self):
return self.tck[2]
def q_phi_to_xy(self, q, phi, cross=None):
'''Converts q, phi pairs -> x, y pairs. All other code that
does this should move to using this so that there is minimal
breakage when we change over to using additive q instead of
# make sure data is arrays
q = np.asarray(q)
# convert real units -> interpolation units
phi = np.mod(np.asarray(phi), 2 * np.pi) / (2 * np.pi)
# get the shapes
q_shape, phi_shape = [_.shape if (_.shape != () and
len(_) > 1) else None for
_ in (q, phi)]
# flatten everything
q = q.ravel()
phi = phi.ravel()
# sanity checks on shapes
if cross is False:
if phi_shape != q_shape:
raise ValueError("q and phi must have same" +
" dimensions to broadcast")
if cross is None:
if ((phi_shape is not None) and (q_shape is not None)
and (phi_shape == q_shape)):
cross = False
elif q_shape is None:
cross = False
q = q[0]
cross = True
x, y = si.splev(phi, self.tck, ext=2)
dx, dy = si.splev(phi, self.tck, der=1, ext=2)
norm = np.sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2)
nx, ny = dy / norm, -dx / norm
# if cross, then
if cross:
data_out = zip(
*map(lambda q_: ((x + q_ * nx).reshape(phi_shape),
(y + q_ * ny).reshape(phi_shape)),
data_out = np.vstack([(x + q * nx).reshape(phi_shape),
(y + q * ny).reshape(phi_shape)])
return data_out
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
sp = SplineFitter(ax, .001)
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