Article Outline
Example Python program
Python Library for importing geoJson
- import shapely
GeoPySpark imports
- from geopyspark.geopycontext.GeoPyContext import GeoPyContext
- from geopyspark.geotrellis.constants import SPATIAL, NODATAINT, MAX, SQUARE
- from geopyspark.geotrellis.rdd import TiledRasterRDD
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import matplotlib.image as mpimg
- import numpy as np
Python example
# A script to convert vector data into a weighted raster overlay suitability map for prioritizing Libyan refugee camps locations.
# Python Library for importing geoJson
import shapely
# GeoPySpark imports
from geopyspark.geopycontext.GeoPyContext import GeoPyContext
from geopyspark.geotrellis.constants import SPATIAL, NODATAINT, MAX, SQUARE
from geopyspark.geotrellis.rdd import TiledRasterRDD
# matplotlib for rendering rasters
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import numpy as np
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Create the context that we use to distribute the calculations
geopysc = GeoPyContext(appName="libya", master="local[*]")
# Loading vector datasets from GeoJSON files
road_lines ="road.geojson")
libya_polygons ="libya.geojson")
conflict_points ="conflict.geojson")
population_points ="population.geojson")
# extent for our analysis area
extent = {'xmin': 0.0, 'ymin': 0.0, 'xmax': 512.0, 'ymax': 512.0}
# creating friction layer from GeoJson of roads
road_raster_rdd = TiledRasterRDD.rasterize(geopysc, extent, "EPSG:3857", cols=256, rows=256, fill_value=1)
# buffer the roads with a focal max to give them some width
buffered_roads_raster_rdd = road_raster_rdd.focal(MAX, SQUARE, 1)
# make roads lower friction than empty space
road_friction_rdd = buffered_road_raster_rdd.reclassify(value_map={NODATAINT: 10, 1: 1}, value_type=int)
# cost distance for conflicts / population centers along road network
conflict_cost_distance_rdd = road_friction_rdd.cost_distance(geometries=conflict_points, max_distance=50000)
population_cost_distance_rdd = road_friction_rdd.cost_distance(geometries=population_points, max_distance=50000)
# Perform map algebra operations on tiled rasters to get weighted average
mean_cost_distance_rdd = (conflict_cost_distance_rdd * 0.6 + population_cost_distance_rdd * 0.4)
# Convert tiled raster rdd into a numpy array that can be rendered
numpy_raster = mean_cost_distance_rdd.crop(extent)
imgplot = plt.imshow(numpy_raster)
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