

Article Outline

Example Python program woodcalc_back.py Python version 3.x or newer. To check the Python version use:

python --version


  • import Tkinter as tkinter


  • def amount_wood(length, width, height):
  • def times_beds(num_beds):
  • def amt_sides(height):
  • def board_size(sides, length, width):
  • def result_print(board_size, amt_sides):


Python tkinter example

"""!!!!!!Infinite loop!!!!!
Calculator takes input from user and calculates materials for building garden beds
of a particular demension. User inputs demensions, width length and height
of garden bed in feet, as well as the number of beds to be built. All
outputs are in feet. Outputs include the total number feet needed of 2 by
six lumber to build the beds, and calculates the most effecient use of the
lumber by iterating through a list of standard board lengths."""

import Tkinter as tkinter

# calculates total amount of wood per bed
def amount_wood(length, width, height):
    total = 0
    length = length * 2
    width = width * 2
    feet = length + width
    if height == 6 or height == .5:
        total = feet
    elif height == 1:
        total = feet * 2
    elif height == 1.5:
        total = feet * 3
    elif height == 2:
        total = feet * 4
    elif height > 2:
        return 'no calculation for height over two'
        return 'need specific height in'
    return total

#calculate amount of wood for all beds
def times_beds(num_beds):
    return feet * num_beds

# determine total amount of side peices needed. Same for long and short
def amt_sides(height):
    sides = 0
     if height == 6 or height == .5:
        height = 1 
    elif height == 1:
        height = 2 
    elif height == 1.5:
        height = 3 
    elif height == 2:
        height =  4
        return 'need specific height in'
    sides += height * 2 * num_beds
    return sides 

# determine most effecient use of materials with least amount of cuts
def board_size(sides, length, width):
        boardlist = [8, 12, 16, 20, 24]
    new_boardlist = []
    long_sides = sides
    wide_sides = sides
        while long_sides > 0:
                for size in boardlist:
            if size >= length and size % length  >= 0:
                long_sides -= 1
    while wide_sides > 0:    
        for size in boardlist:
            if size >= width and size % width >= 0:
                wide_sides -= 1

    return (str(new_boardlist.count(8)) + " eight foot" +', '+ str(new_boardlist.count(12))
+ " twelve foot" + ', '+ str(new_boardlist.count(16)) + " sixteen foot" +' ,'+ str(new_boardlist.count(20))
+ " twenty foot" +' ,'+ str(new_boardlist.count(24)) + " twenty-four foot")

# Combine two output functions for GUI label    
def result_print(board_size, amt_sides):
    global width
    global length
    global height
    global num_beds
    sides = amt_sides(height)
    board_size(sides, length, width)

## Make a Tkinter GUI
#create a window
window = tkinter.Tk()

#name the window

#set window size

#create column of lables for text fields
lbllen = tkinter.Label(window, text = "Length")
lbllen.grid(row = 0, column = 0)
lblwid = tkinter.Label(window, text = "Width")
lblwid.grid(row = 1, column = 0)
lblht = tkinter.Label(window, text = "Height")
lblht.grid(row = 2, column = 0)
lblamt = tkinter.Label(window, text = "Amt of Beds")
lblamt.grid(row = 3, column = 0)

# create text fields to match the labels
entlen = tkinter.Entry(window)
entlen.grid(row = 0, column = 1)
entwid = tkinter.Entry(window)
entwid.grid(row = 1, column = 1)
entht = tkinter.Entry(window)
entht.grid(row = 2, column = 1)
entamt = tkinter.Entry(window)
entamt.grid(row = 3, column = 1)

#Store Variables needed for function args
width = entwid.get()

length = entlen.get()

height = entht.get()

num_beds = entamt.get()

feet = amount_wood(length, width, height)    

sides = amt_sides(height)

#create a calculate button to run the functions
calcbtn = tkinter.Button(window, text = "CALCULATE", command = result_print(board_size, amt_sides))
calcbtn.grid(row = 5, columnspan = 2)

#Label that prints output
result = tkinter.Label(window, text = "Results")
result.grid(row = 6, columnspan = 2)


## Old code from before GUI, keeping for reference
#width = float(raw_input('enter width '))

#length = float(raw_input('enter length '))

#height = float(raw_input('enter height '))

#feet = amount_wood(length, width, height)

#num_beds = float(raw_input('how many beds of size?'))

#sides = amt_sides(height)

#print feet

#print times_beds(num_beds)

#print ('you need ' + str(sides) +', '+ str(length) +
# ' foot boards, and ' + str(sides) +', '+ str(width)
#+ ' foot boards.')

#print board_size(sides, length, width,)